Page 35 - Seniorstoday April 2022 Issue
P. 35

and have no blush. The flesh is deep               juice per mango. Many people, especially
         yellow or orange with no fibre and a               Kannadigas are fiercely proud of this
         rich, aromatic flavour that may be over-           mango and do not even ask for any other
         powering to the unaccustomed palate.               variety except Raspuri especially in
         Panchadara Kalasa
                                                            Sein Ta Lone

         Panchadara Kalasa is a juicy variety               ‘Sein Ta Lone’ translates into Diamond
         and owes its origin to the East Godavari           Solitaire mango. These valuable mangoes
         district of Andhra Pradesh. The name               from Myanmar are most cherished for
         is derived from the Telugu words                   their non-fibrous and juicy flesh. 15 cm
         Panchadara, meaning sugar, and kalasa,             in length and over 2 and a half kilos in
         meaning a pot. Its sugary sweet taste is           weight, the diamond mango looks big
         awaited upon all mango lovers’ palates,            and imposing. Diamond mangoes have
         every summer.                                      made its own mark among the best
                                                            varieties of mangoes in the world.

         An extremely popular variety in South              A large oval-shaped mango, Sindhri
         India a fully ripe Raspuri (Rasa in                stands out among the best varieties
         Kannada means juice) mango harvested               of mangoes in the world. It is also
         at the right time and ripened naturally            frequently referred to as the Queen of
         can beat them all, including the                   mangoes or Honey mango. Leading
         Alphonso, in taste as well as amount of            with flavour and fragrance, many know

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