Page 18 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 18

will be determined at the time of sale, but it     Company issued shares at a premium
         will be the assesse’s choice to:-                  was amount of the premium is to be
         (a) compute the Capital Gain after taking          justified to the Income-tax department.
         into account indexation and then pay tax at        If the Department felt  that the premium
         20% + surcharge + cess,  or                        was  excessive, then they could tax the
         (b)    in the alternative, to not claim            company.  This has resulted in a great
         indexation and pay tax on the Long Term            amount of litigation especially since the
         Capital Gain at 12.5% + surcharge + cess.          Government has been encouraging start-
         In the event that the gain on these assets is      ups.  Such new companies need to have
         a Short Term Capital Gain, then the rate of        finance. They would begin on the basis
         tax can go up to 30% + surcharge + cess.           of an idea and a small amount of capital
         In the case of listed securities, indexation       and then would raise  funds by rounds of
         has not been available even in the last            financing at a higher and higher premium.
         several years and therefore indexation will        This was being questioned by the Income-
         not be available hereafter.                        tax Department.  Now the “Angel tax” will
          The rate of tax on Long Term Capital              no longer apply in the future,  but the old
         Gain on listed securities will be 12.5%            litigation will continue.
         + surcharge + cess and for Short Term               The Government continues to emphasize
         Capital Gain will be 20% + surcharge +             the “new regime” of taxation whereby an
         cess.                                              assessee will not be able to claim reliefs
          These are general guidelines and there            which were earlier given for investment
         are numerous complicated rules and                 into PPF or LIC (u/s. 80C of the Income-
         provisions and  many distinctions in               tax Act), the deduction in relation to
         different categories and all these must            Savings Bank Interest (u/s. 80TTA) and
         be checked carefully.  So, therefore, any          the deduction in respect of Interest on
         calculation should be checked carefully            Fixed Deposit (u/s. 80 TTB), Donations
         and precisely with proper advice taken.            to charitable trust u/s. 80G etc.  Now the
                                                          Image courtesy: Metainvestment  have Income from Salary or pension and
                                                            Standard Deduction has been raised from
                                                            Rs.50,000/-  to  Rs.75,000 for those who

                                                            who opt for the new regime.
                                                             The rate of tax under the new regime is as

                                                            Between Rs.3,00,001/- and Rs.7,00,000/-
          One example of such a distinction is that         On 1st Rs.3,00,000            Nil.
         a Non Resident would not get the benefit of        Between Rs.7,00,001/- and
         indexation.                                        Rs.10,00,000/-        10%
          This is clearly not simplification and            Between  Rs.10,00,001/- and
         rationalisation!                                   Rs.12,00,000/- 15%
          There have been many other changes.               Between Rs.12,00,000/- and
         One important one is that “Angel Tax”              Rs.15,00,000/-  20%
         is being removed.  Up to now when a                Above Rs. 15 lakhs   30%

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