Page 19 - Seniorstoday Aug 2024 Issue
P. 19

There is also a rebate u/s. 87A.                   This will effectively mean that
          Thus, if a person’s total income is up to         Companies will not carry out a buy-back
         Rs. 7 lakhs and he has opted for the new           anymore as the tax would be very onerous.
         regime, he has to pay no Income-tax at all.        It  may as well declare a Dividend.
         If the person’s income is, say, Rs. 15 lakhs
         then he would have to pay Rs.1,40,000/-
         on the first Rs.15 lakhs + surcharge + cess.
         The rate of tax on income over  Rs. 15 lakhs
         would be 30% + surcharge + cess.                                                                    Image courtesy: TheNewIndianExpress
          If a person lets out residential property,
         for example, on AIR-BNB basis as many
         people are now doing or if a person has a
         Paying Guest, then the income from such
         letting will have to be offered for tax under
         the head “Income from House Property”.              One important feature of the Income-
         Under this head, a deduction is allowed            tax Act has been that if a person has any
         for Property taxes and for 30% of the              foreign asset, such as a Bank Account
         net income after deducting Property tax.           or shares etc. etc., then he is required to
         Several people were offering this income           declare such overseas assets in Schedule
         for tax under the head “Income from                FA (standing for “Foreign Assets”) in his
         Other Sources” and claiming substantial            Tax Return and if he has foreign income,
         deductions in the case of a residential            then he will have to fill in Schedule FSI
         house.  This will no longer be permitted.          (which stands for Foreign Source Income).
          Buy Back of Shares.  Several Companies            In the event one misses out declaring
         have been carrying out a Buy-back                  this, no matter how small the penalty, the
         of shares.  When a Company has                     penalty is Rs. 10 lakhs per year and there
         accumulated enough Reserves and does               can be several other consequences.  Now
         not require so much money, it would try            the Black Money Act is being amended
         to release the same to its shareholders by         to provide that if a person has Movable
         way of a Buy-back of shares.  This was             Property of up to Rs 20 lakhs and if this
         essentially because the rate of tax on such        is not declared, there will be no penalty
         buyback was 20% + surcharge @ 12% + cess           under the Black Money Act.  However,
         @ 4% as against the amount of 30% (plus            now  penalty is not to be levied if Movable
         surcharge and cess) on Dividend.                   Assets less more than Rs. 20 lakhs are not
          Now this is to be amended w.e.f. 1st              declared.  Immovable Property will have to
         October 2024.  Thus, if a Company does a           be declared no matter how small the value,
         buy-back after that date, the entire amount        and if it is not declared, a penalty will be
         received by the shareholders will be taxed         levied.
         as Dividend .                                       There are several other changes in
          The second aspect of this is that the cost of     relation to Reopening of Assessments etc.
         the shares would be deemed to be a loss to          Then, there are changes in TDS.  If a
         the shareholder and could be set off against       person is a partner of a firm and draws a
         other gains made by the shareholder.               salary from the firm or earns Interest from

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #62 | AUGUST 2024                                                             19
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