Page 14 - Seniorstoday December 2022 Issue
P. 14
the prime ones are extracted at each of the
earlier stages of production.
Black tea, white tea, green tea, oolong
tea and several other varieties are all
extracted out of the same tea plants
with various levels of fermentation and
drying and from different parts of the
tea plant. So are Jasmine tea, Rose tea,
Mint tea etc., variants which are blended
with oils of these flowers to romanticise
tea consumption. White tea is the most
expensive since it contains essentially
the bud surrounded by two hairy leaves
right at the top of the plant. White tea
is more interesting stuff to follow. There is generally produced by the orthodox
is orthodox tea and there is CTC tea. method given the need to pluck the bud.
There is fanning tea and there is tea dust. While China, India, Kenya, Sri Lanka,
Orthodox tea means the conventional way Turkey, Indonesia, Vietnam and Japan are
of producing tea using age old method of top producers of tea, the top 5 countries
plucking, withering, rolling, oxidisation/ with the highest per capita consumption
fermentation and drying of tea leaves. CTC are Turkey, Ireland, UK, Iran and Russia.
is an acronym for Crush or Cut, Tear and Surprisingly, at last count, China figured
Curl. In the CTC method, the tea leaves are at 20 and India at 28; of course, it’s because
passed through cylindrical rollers with
serrated blades that crush/cut, tear and
curl the tea into small pellets that we see
in the packets of tea that we get home. It is
fairly obvious that the orthodox method
requires human intervention and the focus
is on preserving the characteristics of tea
through fermentation. CTC, on the other
hand, is a mechanised process for faster
and increased production. Fanning tea and
dust tea are the lowest grades of teas after