Page 17 - Seniorstoday December 2022 Issue
P. 17

computer skills to students in various
                                                            schools. During the pandemic, my father
                                                            literally stationed himself in the village &
                                                            donated umpteen equipment for various
                                                            hospitals in over a 100 km radius. Oxygen
                                                            m/cs, oxygen concentrators, diagnostic
                                                            equipment etc.
                                                             Also distributed for months rations to
                                                            everyone in need, also anonymously to
                                                            those who we knew would not come to ask
          Jaswantgarh is where our family & our             for it. Nobody went back empty handed.
         foundations have done our bit for the               For all the work done by him over the last
         people of the village. The family runs a           several years the villagers decide to honour
         full-fledged Sanskrit school & college. Over       him.
         800 students are studying there. Rerun an           In the cool morning of 25th November we
         ITI providing over 20 employable skills            gathered around fifty mts away from the
         to enhance the employability of this who           place where the blood donation drive was
         did not wish to pursue further studies.            to take place. As soon as my father reached,
         We recently built a girls college which has        we walked on the red carpet laid for him
         over 700 students & can accommodate                & the entire fifty mts was lined with men
         nearly 1500 students. Already the girls,           and women on either side, showering rose
         who just passed out, have started getting          petals on him till the entrance. All of us
         employment in large organisations. We              enjoyed the flower shower, feeling truly
         expect that we will be at full capacity in 3       overwhelmed. This was just the beginning.
         to 4 years. When the PM announced the              As soon as we reached the covered area,
         scheme of toilets for every home, the family       there were a string of local associations of
         gave the additional money required to over
         400 homes in the village. Till recently all
         the roads in the village were kaccha roads.
         Several of the roads have been laid to allow
         for better commute. Drains have been built,
         Kunds (for rain water collection have been
         built in several houses. The foundation is
         hiring teachers (nearly 1000) to teach at
         various government schools in Ladnun
         district & Sanskrit schools in Ajmer and
         Bikaner division where education was
         suffering due to lack of adequate teachers
         which the government is supposed to
         provide. Various facilities including
         toilets for girls have been built over the
         last few year. A mobile computer training
         bus goes from village to village to impart

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #42 | DECEMBER 2022                                                           17
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