Page 32 - Seniorstoday December 2022 Issue
P. 32

courtesan Anarkali        shoot the film, Chopra sued, Dilip Kumar
                                 (Madhubala).  When        testified on his behalf. The role was done
                                 his father, Emperor       by Vyjayanthimala, as the love interest of a
                                 Akbar (Prithviraj         tangewala, who opposes the entry of a bus
                                 Kapoor) opposes the       service into their village, and challenges the
                                 romance, Salim goes       bus to a race.
                                 to war against his
                                 father.                   Devdas (1954)
                                                                                     Bimal Roy’s
                                                                                     classic  based on
         Madhumati (1958):                                                           novel, which must
                                   Bimal Roy’s                                       be one of the most
                                   reincarnation                                     filmed books of
                                   tale (written by                                  all time. Dilip
                                   Ritwick Ghatak                                    Kumar played
                                   and Rajendra                                      the eponymous
                                   Singh Bedi) had                                   character, who
                                   Dilip Kumar play        turns to alcohol when he is not allowed
                                   a less dramatic         to marry his beloved Paro (Suchitra
                                   role than he was        Sen). Chandramukhi, a courtesan
                                   used to, but no         (Vyjayanthimala) loves Devdas, but cannot
                                   less effective.         save him from self-destruction.
        Anand, a timber estate manager falls in
        love with a tribal woman Madhumati                 Aan (1952):
        (Vyjayanthimala), who dies resisting rape                                      Mehboob Khan’s
        by the landlord Ugra Narayan (Pran). It                                        Indianised version
        takes a rebirth and complicated revenge                                        of Taming of The
        plot to bring the villain to justice.                                          Shrew, was India’s
                                                                                       first Technicolour
        Naya Daur (1957)                                                               film and the
                                   BR Chopra’s rural                                   most expensive
                                   drama has gone                                      production then.
                                   down in movie                                       It was also dubbed
                                   lore as the film                                    and released
                                   that broke up the                                   internationally as
                                   real life love story    The Savage Princess.  Dilip Kumar played
                                   of Dilip Kumar          Jai Tilak, a village leader, who kidnaps an
                                   and Madhubala.          arrogant princess (Nadira) to force her to
                                   Her father refused      live like a peasant and understand how the
                                   to let her go           common citizens live. Of course, by the end
                                   on location to          it, she falls in love with Jai.

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