Page 27 - Seniorstoday December 2022 Issue
P. 27

Acting was not considered a reputable             who has renounced the world to live as an
         profession then, so actors did not have            ascetic.  In Aarzoo (1950), his childhood
         formal training; they went by the script           sweetheart married another, believing him
         and the director’s instructions and winged         to be dead in a fire. In Babul (1950), he is
         it. Dilip Kumar developed his own style of         caught between two women vying for his
         naturalistic acting, speaking his lines in         love, and losing them both. Hulchul (1951)
         measured tones, and using his expressive           has him jailed for a murder he did not
         eyes and voice to great effect, fitting            commit, and losing the woman he loved.
         perfectly well in the soft, romantic, often
         tragic roles that he came to be known
         for.  He was an instinctive actor, hitting
         on the right, understated notes in his
         performances—method acting before it
         became trendy. The plots of the films he
         did, were melodramatic, and by today’s
         standards, excessively morbid.
          Most of Dilip Kumar’s early films were
         like preparations for the classic Devdas. His
         very first film, Jwar Bhata (1944) had him
         playing an alcoholic pining for the woman
         he cannot marry. In his next, Pratima (1945)
         he again played a man whose parents do
         not approve of the women he loves. In
         Milan (1946), he has to go through a lot of
         trouble to reach the woman he intends to
         marry because of a boat accident in which
         the brides of two men get swapped. Jugnu
         (1947), his first big hit, also had a lot of
         romantic complications between the lead
         pair. In Ghar Ki Izzat (1948), he turned to         Deedar (1951) was by all standards, the
         drink when his wife was ill-treated by his         height of romantic masochism, in which he
         family.                                            played a blind man whose sight is restored
          In Shaheed (1948) he played a freedom             by a kindly doctor; when he sees that his
         fighter, in Mela (1948), he goes to jail,          sweetheart is to marry the same doctor, he
         framed by the villain for the murder of the        blinds himself again, because why see the
         woman he was to marry. In Anokha Pyar              world without her in it?
         (1948), he played an impoverished writer,           In Tarana (1951), after much scheming
         who went to some very strange plot twists          and plotting by the villain, the man played
         before he is reunited with his beloved.            by Dilip Kumar is finally reunited with
          In Mehboob Khan’s love triangle Andaaz            the village belle he was in love with. The
         (1949), his unrequited love for a woman            leading lady was played by Madhubala,
         leads to misunderstanding and murder. In           and here began the ill-fated romance that
         Jogan (1949), he falls in love with a woman        ended with the real life courtroom drama

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #42 | DECEMBER 2022                                                           27
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