Page 39 - Seniorstoday December 2022 Issue
P. 39

had an author, Moroba Kanhoba, not written         force against the masses. Then came Krishna
         a story about him, which became the starting       Menon and his election campaign when the
         point of the play by Tendulkar. The parallels      Shiv Sena was pitted against the communists. Courtsey: Play Image: Umakant and Shriram Shirodkar;   the rise of the Shiv Sena were not hard to see.   Ghashiram incident and this event to which
                                                            You can see the similarity between the
         between the events portrayed in the play and

                                                            we were witnesses. The hunting dogs got
         Inevitably, there were protests (led by Shiv
                                                            transformed into ferocious tigers and the
         Sena leader Manohar Joshi), calls for a ban,
                                                            Government began to fear them. When I
         court cases, attempts to stop the production
         from travelling abroad. (The cast and crew
         had to be smuggled into the Berlin-bound
                                                            play and as I traversed backwards in history,
                                                            I noticed that this was a repetitive pattern
         flight; with clouds of the Emergency hovering      saw this, I felt the urge to use this theme in a
         over the country, they were allowed by then        – such individuals and parties had been
         Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to go abroad          created through history. Hitler was one such
         reportedly after the intervention of Satyajit      example.”
         Ray).                                               The uproar against the play was also because
                                                            it was perceived to be anti-Brahmin and
                                                            derogatory towards Nana Phadnavis, who is
                                                            considered a hero in Maharashtra because of
                                                            his astute statesmanship and standing up to
                                                            the British spreading their tentacles in India.
                                                             Using Marathi folk music and dance, and
                                                            a robust ‘multi-purpose’ chorus, Tendulkar
                                                            brought alive the story of a man who wormed
                                                            his way into power and then misused it.
                                                            The music by Bhaskar Chandavarkar and
          Tendulkar has been quoted in a piece by           choreography by Krishnadev Mulgund
         Ananya in as having            greatly enhanced the production that was
         said, “The inspiration for the play was a          as entertaining as it was provocative, even
         topical situation. I was working for Loksatta      though its historical veracity has been
         when the first major riots were launched in        questioned.
         Bombay by the Shiv Sena. Bal Thackeray
         seemed an ordinary man, not at all the sort of
         person who would indulge in dare-devilry.
         The middle-class boys who followed him were
         not demons. In that particular situation, they
         acquired power, abused it and spread terror. I
         sensed that terror in my newspaper office. We
         were not free to write anything about the Shiv
         Sena. If the title “Senapati” was not prefixed
         to Thackeray’s name in a report, a morcha
         would be taken out with burning and looting.
         Actually, the Shiv Sena was deliberately            Ghashiram Savaldas came from Kannauj
         fuelled by the ruling party to establish a         to Pune, which is portrayed as Babylonian

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #42 | DECEMBER 2022                                                           39
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