Page 40 - Seniorstoday December 2022 Issue
P. 40

city of vice and depravity. The outsider to        of Maharashtra, but its many translations
         the Brahmin-dominated city just wants to           have worked across the country. What’s
         make a living, but is falsely accused of theft     more, the gist of Tendulkar’s writing can
         and imprisoned. To take revenge, he uses           be read as an allegory of how a population
         his young daughter Gauri as a pawn to              can be manipulated by an unscrupulous
         ensnare Phadnavis, a debauched exploiter of        ruling establishment. There is also a note of
         women, and become the police chief of Pune.        caution built in-- an autocratic regime can be
         He unleashes a rule of astounding brutality        overturned when the people revolt.
         to avenge his humiliation. After a group of         Ghashiram Kotwal has been the subject of
         innocent men suffocate and die in prison, the      innumerable studies and scholarly papers.
         Brahmins appeal to the Peshwa. His daughter        A film was made on it in 1976, by a collective
         dies too and it is time for Ghashiram’s            of experimental filmmakers. The beauty
         downfall. Having outlived his usefulness to        of the play is that it is as timeless as it is
         Phadnavis, he is publicly stoned to death by       inimitable. Many have tried to blend folk form
         an enraged mob.                                    and contemporary content, but none with
          The ethos of the play is steeped in the culture   Tendulkar’s dexterity and intellectual rigour.

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