Page 42 - Seniorstoday December 2023 Issue
P. 42
relationship and endured the test of time getting a companion of the same calibre
notwithstanding that they were starkly would be tough and had reconciled to a
different personlities with different lonely ride to the dusk. He always said that
interests and likes and dislikes. If his close friends more than make up for the
Brihadish was an atheist, Ninad was a absence of a companion in his life.
theist. Brihadish was voluble while Ninad Some years flew by and it was yet another
was reticent. Brihadish tended to be self- December month and Carnatic music
righteous while Ninad had chinks in his times. Brihadish wrote to Ninad as usual
armour and did not see the world in black about staying with him in Mumbai enroute
and white. Brihadish never married, though to Chennai, but surprisingly asked him
he went through several affairs, while if it would be okay if he brought a friend
Ninad had a family. But both were practical along this time. Brihadish explained to a
in their outlook with an ability of a detached curious Ninad and Vishaka that over the
response to various stimuli, be it politics or past couple of years, he had happened
world affairs or economy or social issues. to meet an highly regarded academic at
Both liked travelling to exotic locations and a few science and technology seminars
classical music. Brihadish loved making and had been impressed with the acuity
his annual visits to India in December and and acumen of that person. Thereafter
spend time with Ninad and his family and they had been in regular touch and at the
travelling together to unexplored parts of last one such conference, they happened
India and attending the annual Carnatic to be in opposite panels to argue for and
musical festival in Chennai. It was an against Chat GPT and its ramifications.
interaction of enrichment and experience Brihadish sheepishly admitted to Ninad
for Brihadish and Ninad and a lasting bond that the panel headed by him had lost out
over the years. to the panel headed by his friend. Brihadish
As a close friend, Ninad often used to finally had met his match.
ask Brihadish about his single status and Brihadish said that he and his friend
urge him to find a companion at least at have kept the developments away from
this late stage when he was to retire in a their families and Ninad and Vishaka
few years. Ninad and Vishaka had never would be the first to know about it, given
tired of offering to find a suitable match their deep friendship. Ninad and Vishaka
for him, which Brihadish always promptly were overjoyed to hear this and happily
dismissed and didn’t allow any intrusion conceded to Brihadish’s request and looked
in that space, while appreciating the forward to receiving him and his friend in a
good intent of his friend. Brihadish had few days’ time.
everything going for him; fame, fortune, In the early hours of December 1,
friends he had in surfeit, but he was loath to Brihadish landed at the doorsteps of
admit that he was impacted in any way due the Agarkar’s home. An excited Ninad
to the absence of a fellow-soul in his life. and Vishaka opened the door, but were
In a moment of weakness, he did admit to shocked and surprised like never before.
Ninad that none of his relationships lasted Accompanying Brihadish was Vinita.
or worked due to the intellectual gap and Life indeed is wondrous and joyous with
the dissonant views. Brihadish realised that all its twists and turns.