Page 38 - Seniorstoday December 2023 Issue
P. 38

has some stunningly executed carvings               At one time Cambodia was considered
         and sculptures of the subject depicting 88         an island. That was because for a large
         asuras and 92 devas with crested helmets.          part of the year after the monsoon, the
                                                            mighty Mekong River remains flooded
                                                            and many areas are water logged for long
                                                            periods. This keeps the land very fertile
                                                            and productive. Rice and lotus are the
                                                            main plantations here. Most people in one
                                                            district have their houses on stilts. We saw
                                                            many such houses, where the living area
                                                            is upstairs and instead of cars, they have
                                                            small boats or rafts ‘parked’ outside their
                                                             Mekong is sacred and important to the
                                                            Cambodians. In a way it is their lifeline.
                                                            They consider it as a mother…. Like we
                                                            also say Ganga Maiya. Mother or “MA” is
                                                            a prefix for all good things. They have a
                                                            queen mother, who is very old now, but her
                                                            son, the king who is 70, is not married yet.
                                                            Theirs is a matriarchal society. Mother and
                                                            women are highly respected. There exists
                                                            a system of monogamy since ancient times.
          Krishna is a very common name even                At the time of marriage the boy’s family has
         now. There are other common names                  to give like a dowry as assurance that he
         like Sukh and the word means the same              will respect and look after his wife.  Thus
         as for us - the opposite of dukh. Aroon            the women have a strong hold on the family
         meaning the Sun and the Chand meaning              and social system. They also work hard and
         Moon of course, are also very popular              control the economy to a great extent.
         names. Actually our guide’s name was
         Chandraseng (read Singh). Most of these
         words like for us, come from Sanskrit and
         were adapted and adapted permanently
         into the language of the Khmer. Shiv,
         Mahesh, Sujit, Surya, Maneka, Apsara
         are all popular names in Cambodia. We
         found many common words which we use
         in our daily language they may probably
         be pronounced a little differently but the
         meaning is the same.  We discovered even
         their numbers sound like ours…. IK = one,
         TOH = two, TRE = three, CHAKTO = four,              The presence of India is seen in other
         PANCHA = five and so on!                           modern ways too. On the roads you come

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