Page 5 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 5
Narendra Kusnur is one of Prabhakar Mundkur is an
India’s best-known music advertising veteran, a lateral
journalists. Born with a musical thinker, storyteller and musician.
spoon, so to speak, he is a late A coffee aficionado, husband and
bloomer in music criticism. a father of two, he also describes
himself as dogs’ best friend.
Urvi Piramal oversees a Nagesh Alai is a management
professionally managed consultant, an independent
conglomerate with business director on company board and
interest in real estate, textiles cofounder of a B2B enterprise
and cutting tools. A wildlife tech startup.
enthusiast, she has authored two
books on wildlife: in India and
Africa. She spends her leisure
time reading, listening to music
and traveling extensively.
Vandana Kanoria, an avid Harsh Goenka is Chairman of
reader who loves food, travel, RPG Enterprises. Very active
art and all aspects of design, is on Twitter, he is known for his
passionate about Indian culture, inspirational, information and
history and heritage. often humorous take on life and
events. He tweets at @hvgoenka.
Dr Nandini Saini is a practising Subhash K Jha is a veteran
homoeopath and aesthetician entertainment journalist, film
with experience of over 15 years. critic and author. Based in Patna,
he is widely regarded as one of
the most versatile journalists
tracking the Hindi film industry.