Page 42 - Seniorstoday February 2023 Issue
P. 42

Solitaire and Yaphet                           force. His whistle-blowing
                              Kotto as the Bond                              turns his own comrades
                              villain—an evil drug                           against him; in spite of
                              dealer who has killed                          constantly facing threats
                              several British agents                         and danger, he refuses to
                              who went to his turf                           back off. A fine tribute to a
                              in New Orleans. Then                           real life hero.
                              Bond goes in and solves
         the case.
                                                           The Sting:
         Mean Streets:                                                        George Roy Hill’s film,
                             Martin Scorsese,                                 based on David Maurer’s
                             combined with the star                           book, The Big Con: The
                             power of Robert De                               Story of the Confidence
                             Niro and Harvey Keitel,                          Man, starring Robert
                             telling the story of gangs                       Redford and Paul
                             of New York, which                               Newman—easily the
                             turned out to be his                             most gorgeous leading
                             favourite genre. In this      men of the time—was about a petty con
         gritty film, the story centers around Charlie     man Johnny Hooker, who teams up with
         and his buddy Johnny, who are up against          a buddy Henry Gondorff to avenge the
         a vicious mobster and loan shark, Giovanni        murder of their friend by the ruthless
         (Cesare Danova). The film built Scorsese’s        crime boss Doyle Lonnegan (Robert Shaw).
         reputation as one of Hollywood’s finest.          They cook up a complicated and elaborate
                                                           scheme to swindle the villain that makes for
         Papillon:                                         a totally gripping watch.

                            The book by Franklin           The Way We Were
                            J Schaffner was a best                           Sydney Pollack’s film
                            seller, the cover with                           starring Robert Redford,
                            the butterfly (papillon                          Barbra Streisand, was a
                            in French) was one a                             thinking audiences’ love
                            favourite of pirates. It                         story, using the ‘opposites
                            was based on the story                           attract’ formula to tell the
                            of the writer, played by                         story of a Jewish political
        Steve McQueen in the movie,                                          activist, Katie Morosky
                                                            and rich white man, Hubbell Gardiner,
        Serpico :                                           who wants to be a screenwriter. Then the
        Sidney Lumet’s classic based on a book              McCarthy Era arrives with the notorious
        by Peter Maas, had Al Pacino playing an             witch hunts and Hollywood blacklist;
        honest New York cop called Frank Serpico,           Katie’s radicalism puts her husband’s
        who refuses to take bribes and become a             career and reputation at risk. A fascinating
        part of the rampant corruption in the police        story of love in the times of conflict.

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