Page 8 - Seniorstoday February 2023 Issue
P. 8

the most.                                          Wilkins, CLP faculty director, remarked:
                                                            “I know how much India, and indeed
         4 . Azim Premji, 77, Industrialist,                the world, need Justice Chandrachud’s
         Philanthropist                                     leadership, particularly on issues such
                                Premji remains              as the mental health and the well-being
                                among the world’s           of lawyers which he spoke about so
                                most generous               eloquently at our conference in 2017 – long
                                billionaires.               before the global pandemic placed this
                                As the first Indian         issue in the forefront of the profession’s
                                who signed up for           consciousness.”
                                The Giving Pledge,           There is one population strata in India
         he believes in creating a better world             that rests a lot of hope on DYC’s tenure as
         for millions of people. The Azim Premji            CJI, and that’s Persons with Disabilities.
         Foundation has helped create a better              What they are confident to get from him
         world for millions of people.                      is what every Indian is entitled to: justice,
          Though not as active in day-to-day                equality, accessibility.
         business in recent years, Premji continues
         to be acknowledged as one of India’s most          6. Lachhman Das Mittal, 92,
         revered business tycoons and is one of             Businessman
         the reigning czars of the IT industry with                               Lachhman Das
         Wipro, though his son Rishad took over                                   Mittal’s success
         the reins of Chairman in 2019.                                           story is one that
                                                                                  scriptwriters conceive
         5. Dhananjay Chandrachud, 64, CJI                                        of. In 1962, he began
                                Dhananjaya                                        manufacturing
                                Yashwant                                          wheat-threshers in
                                Chandrachud is one          Punjab. The following year his family went
                                of India’s best known       bankrupt and by 1970 his net worth was
                                legal minds who is          Rs 1 lakh.
                                now serving as the           He didn’t give up.
                                50th and current             He started his business career in 1990
         Chief Justice of India.                            at age 60 after retiring from the Life
          A liberal judge, as expected from                 Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). He
         a Harvard alumni, he has been part                 says, “Once I applied for dealership of
         of benches that delivered landmark                 Maruti Udyog but was rejected. Today, I
         judgments such as privacy verdict and              give out dealerships.”
         Sabarimala case                                     Sonalika Group founded by Mittal, is
          The Harvard Law School Center on the              India’s third-largest tractor-maker by
         Legal Profession presented its highest             market share.  Mittal has handed over
         professional distinction, the Center on            operations to his sons Amrit Sagar and
         the Legal Profession Award for Global              Deepak and grandsons Raman, Sushant
         Leadership, to DYC, as he’s known in legal         and Rahul, but remains keenly interested
         circles. In bestowing the 2022 award, David        in the business.

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