Page 30 - Seniors Today
P. 30
Included in our trip were couple of others Sri Lankan tea is famous and most roads
Spice Gardens which are maintained and outside the cities are flanked on both sides
promoted by the government of Sri Lanka. by lush green tree plantations. Most have
We saw the plantations of Sandalwood, facilities called ‘Tea Factories’ in their
Cocoa, Citronella, Jasmin, Cloves, Pepper, vicinity, where the collected tea leaves are
Ginger, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, saffron etc. segregated, processed and packed. These
They have authorised outlets to sell various places also have tea testing restaurant
oils and Ayurvedic medicinal products with with a display of different kinds which are
trained persons to explain and demonstrate available. Even if you are not a tea drinker,
the benefits. the subtle fragrance of tea fills the air and
A visit to a Botanical Garden with its Palm attracts you. Most of these varieties of tea are
Avenues was impressive. Luckily there to be enjoyed without milk and sugar. Let
are electrical vehicles available for tourist me warn you it’s not meant for the typical
at a nominal price. The Orchid enclosure is Indian tea lovers...we like our tea not black
really worth a visit. The variety of orchids or green but brewed with milk. But then, it’s
and colours are awe- inspiring. Many worth trying that tea at least once. Another
different kinds of bamboos and other trees point worth mentioning here is that none
are also unique. We even saw a Palm with of the hotels we stayed in, provided powder
huge coconut like fruit, weighing more than milk or creamer sachets along with coffee
25 kgs each! and tea.... We had to get on request and only
one hotel obliged. (So carry your own... If
you must.)
Tea garden
At Kandy is located the Temple of the
Sacred Tooth, originally built in 1595 to
house and honour a tooth relic of Buddha.
It is a UNESCO heritage site and hordes of
people clad in white clothes carrying the
exotic lotus (purple) flowers visit to offer
Don’t miss a chance to see their cultural
shows, the masked dances are colourful,
vibrant and vigorous – usually depicting
scenes and popular sequences from the
Botanical garden Ramayan.