Page 27 - Seniors Today
P. 27
Sri Lanka - The Land of
the Legend
Sri Lanka is a beautiful country
and has plenty to offer, writes
Malti Gaekwad
looked like, Ramsethu the bridge over the
We all know it as Sone ki Lanka, the ocean and all those fancy places.….
kingdom of the all-powerful yet dreaded Let me tell you, if you plan to visit Sri Lanka
demon King Ravan. He was a devotee of to see all this from a historical point to view
Lord Shiva, he was blessed with so many you will be highly disappointed. The stories
boons which made him almost invincible. of the Ramayana are embedded in our psych,
He was rich, powerful, a successful warrior, and we thrive on examples of Lord Ram’s
good looking, multi-talented and ideal for life, his virtuous character …. Maryadaa
any woman to fall in love with, yet Sitaji was Purushottam Ram is how we know him.
not impressed! That disturbed him, arrogant We found, nor saw any architectural or
as he was, his ego was hurt and that led to historical remnants unlike the temples of
his own destruction. India - even Angkor Vat despite being in
Indians have grown up hearing stories of ruins, they stand testimony to a by gone era!
the Ramayan and seeing it on TV time and In Sri Lanka there was nothing pertinent
again. We dream of visiting Sri Lanka to see to see even though the people of Sri Lanka
the beautiful Ashok Vatika where Ravan speak highly of Sita ji and Hanuman Ji and
had kept Sitaji while he awaited her consent. have temples dedicated to them. We visited
I had also imagined what the place would the Seetha Amman Temple, Sri Bhakta
look like. What must Ravan’s Golden Palace Hanuman Temple and the Ravan Waterfalls.