Page 3 - Seniorstoday January 2022 Issue
P. 3

Publisher’s Note

                              A Chronicle of the Times

         Everyone loves listicles. Readers enjoy going      up India’s first private museum. She is decidedly
         through them and they certainly add an element     the most influential supporter of the art market.
         of surprise to the content of any publication. If   Harish Salve and Shardul Shroff, two of the
         it’s well-researched and the names are selected    country’s top legal brains, are first-time entrants to
         objectively, a listicle can serve as an effective   the list.
         chronicler of the times we live in. It’s for this   Since this is the list of Influential Seniors, we have
         reason that for the second consecutive year,       included Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev and Sri Sri Ravi
         Seniors Today publishes its ranking of India’s 50   Shankar, both great orators who have an amazing
         Most Influential Seniors.                          following. Check out their videos on YouTube and
          Guessing the Top 10 names is possibly a no-       see how they appeal equally to people across all age
         brainer. But there are two people I must make a    groups.
         special mention of: Cyrus Poonawalla at #6 and      Our list has an interesting mix of people from
         Dr Randeep Guleria at #10. As head of the Pune-    across a cross-section of Indian society. The
         based Serum Institute, Poonawalla, his son Adar    yardstick chosen was not just the affluence or
         and their accomplished team of health scientists,   status in society, but how influential they really
         have saved the lives of lakhs with their Covishield   are. Each one in our Top 50 is that.
         vaccine.                                            Last year, we had placed the agitating farmers at
          Dr Guleria, the affable head of the All India     #10. Some readers felt that it was a misplaced entry.
         Institute of Medical Science, the country’s leading   Well, the fact is that the farmers stuck their ground
         hospital, was the government’s face on the         and got the laws repealed.
         pandemic. Also in the Top 50 are Dr Devi Shetty     Like in our 2021 list, at #50 is the Unknown
         and Dr Farokh Udwadia, both of who have helped     Indian. We don’t know who s/he is. But there are
         improve the lives of hundreds and thousands.       several ordinary and unsung seniors out there
          Ranks #10 to #20 are typically the most difficult   who are relentlessly doing their bit to make life
         to get at. All of them are super-achievers. At #12,   more meaningful for all of us. With no award and
         there’s Uday Kotak, the go-to man from India’s     recognition in mind. Selflessly, though influential
         banking and finance sector. Governments seek his   in their small, significant way.
         counsel and his word matters. Sanjeev Goenka,
         who is now on the better side of 60, makes a
         natural entry to the Top 20. Then there are Kiran
         and Shiv Nadar, both very powerful in their own    Vickram Sethi
         right. Kiran is the Queen of the Arts, having set   Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

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