Page 44 - Seniorstoday January 2022 Issue
P. 44
of you. Raise yourself up on your toes in front of you. Your fingers will climb the
as high as you can go, then gently lower wall until they’re above your head. While
yourself. Don’t lean too far forward on the holding your arms above your head, wiggle
chair or counter. Lift and lower yourself 20 your fingers for ten seconds. Then, walk
times. them back down.
During the second exercise touch your
Exercise 12: Shoulder Rolls hands while they’re behind your back.
Reach for your left hand while your right
hand is behind your back. Hold that
position for ten seconds, then try with your
other arm.
Exercise 14: Calf Stretches
This is a simple exercise for seniors. You
can do it seated or standing.
Rotate your shoulders gently up to the
ceiling, then back and down. Next, do the
same thing, but roll them forwards and then
down. These strength training exercises for
seniors can be performed sitting or
Exercise 13: Hand and Finger Exercises standing.
The following are exercises to improve To do calf stretches while standing, find
flexibility. You don’t need to stand for these. a wall with nothing on it. Stand facing the
In the first exercise, pretend there’s a wall wall with your hands at eye level. Place
your left leg behind your right leg. Keep
your left heel on the floor and bend your
right knee. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30
seconds. Repeat two to four times per leg.
If you want to stretch your calves while
sitting, you’ll need a towel. Sit on the floor
with your legs straight. Put the towel
around the soles of your right foot and hold
both ends. Pull the towel towards you while
keeping your knee straight and hold it for
15 to 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise two to
four times per leg.