Page 42 - Seniorstoday January 2022 Issue
P. 42

your arm towards the number three, and             This balance exercise for seniors improves
         finally, point it behind you at the number 6.      your physical coordination.
         Bring your arm back to the number three,            Stand with your feet together and arms at
         and then to the number 12. Look straight           your side next to a chair. Lift your left hand
         ahead the whole time                               over your head. Then, slowly raise your
                                                            left foot off the floor. Hold that position for
         Exercise 5: Back Leg Raises                        ten seconds. Repeat the same action on the
                                                            right side.

                                                            Exercise 7: Side Leg Raise

         This strength training exercise for seniors
         makes your bottom and your lower back
          Stand behind a chair. Slowly lift your right
         leg straight back-don’t bend your knees or
         point your toes. Hold that position for one
         second, then gently bring your back down.          You’ll need a chair for this exercise to
         Repeat this ten to 15 times per leg.               improve balance.
                                                             Stand behind the chair with your feet
         Exercise 6: Single Limb Stance with Arm            slightly apart. Slowly lift your right leg to
                                                            the side. Keep your back straight, your toe
                                                            facing forward, and stare straight ahead.
                                                            Lower your right leg slowly. Repeat this
                                                            exercise ten to 15 times per leg.

                                                            Exercise 8: Balancing Wand
                                                            This balance exercise for seniors can be
                                                            performed while seated. You’ll need a cane
                                                            or some kind of stick. A broomstick works
                                                            well for this – just remove the broom’s head
                                                            before you start.
                                                             Hold the bottom of the stick so that it’s flat
                                                            on the palm of your hand. The goal of this

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