Page 14 - Seniorstoday January 2024 Issue
P. 14

born in humble environs        Limited. Spearheaded by the mastermind
                             and evolved from a bus         Sudhir, the group is estimated to be worth
                             conductor into one of          over $7.2 billion.
                             biggest megastars in
                             Indian cinema.                 23 Sunil Mittal, 65, Industrialist
                              Rajinikanth, who                                “The public digital
         began his career in 1975, remains one of                             infrastructure network
         Tamil cinema’s biggest names despite the                             that India has built over
         emergence of several younger stars. The                              the last few years is
         mass hero is regarded as a synonym for                               boosting our growth,”
         style and swag.                                                      says the telecom baron.
          From people worshiping him with                    He optimistically announced a satellite
         milk before his film release to politicians        communication breakthrough for India at
         quaking when he speaks his mind, his               the India Mobile Congress 2023, revealing
         words have a tremendous impact on                  a significant technological leap for India.
         people. Now that’s what you call power!            Telecom tycoon Mittal owns Bharti
                                                            Enterprises which spans over telecom,
         22 Sudhir Mehta, 69, Industrialist                 insurance, real estate, hospitality and
                             Sudhir Mehta is                more. As of 2023, Mittal has hit the 10th
                             chairman emeritus              richest Indian spot and been conferred
                             of the $2.7 billion            with ‘The Businessman of the Year’ award
                             (revenue) Torrent Group        by The Economic Times. Wealth is not
                             comprising Torrent             nouvelle to him nor is his ever-increasing
                             Pharma, Torrent Power          influence in telecom.
         and Torrent Gas.
          The 64-year-old company (Torrent                  24 Anil Agarwal, 69, Industrialist
         Pharma) was founded by his late father                                 The Founder and
         Uttambhai Nathalal Mehta, who was a                                    Chairman of Vedanta
         salesman for Swiss pharma giant Sandoz.                                Resources Limited has
         Sudhir with younger brother Samir has                                  grown his company into
         morphed Torrent into a force to reckon                                 the largest metal mining
         with, whether in pharma, power, gas and                                company in India. In
         now diagnostics.                                   recent years, Vedanta has grown steadily
          Their Torrent Power distributes                   but not forgetting to pledge support
         electricity to more than 3.8 million               towards India’s carbon neutrality goals.
         customers in their home state of Gujarat,          This is a small example of what makes Anil
         MMR (Mumbai Metropolitan Region), and              Agarwal a huge star in his field.
         Agra.  In July 2021, the group’s Torrent            That said, 2023 turned out to be a
         Gas announced it was investing $1.3                cliffhanger for Vedanta and its founder. A
         billion over five years to build compressed        debt crisis was handled through sheer grit.
         natural gas stations. The group entered            Living on the edge and taking bold steps
         the diagnostics segment in February 2022           with confidence is undoubtedly Agarwal’s
         through Torrent Diagnostics Private                forte. “My dream, my vision, is in a few

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