Page 15 - Seniorstoday January 2024 Issue
P. 15
years I will have zero debt, he says. water for the poor amongst other social
As we watch this maverick play his cards responsibilities.
out, his foundation AAF created 4,500 Courage, fearless attitude and focus on
Nand Ghars, benefiting 180,000 children the actions are some of the key values of his
and 136,000 women, and the launch of daily mantra.
multi-millet nutribars for children in
Anganwaadis helped increase the quality 26 Amitabh Bachchan 81, Actor
of nutrition of many a child in India. That he is the greatest
Agarwal has used his powerful influence to and most-loved
serve the greater good of the country. Bollywood actor
What was that saying? When you give, precedes everything
you receive 10-fold… he does. Professionally
though, he has proven he
25 Ajay Piramal, 68, Industrialist excels at far more than acting.
Ajay Piramal took charge A megastar with a mega-life to match.
of the family textile A man who has seen and done it all. He
business at a young age, has seen the highs and the lows. An actor
but over the decades, he who through the decades is still a force
has repeatedly proved his to reckon with commanding the top spot
success as a leader with in movies. Personally, he has evolved
vision. through his experiences, unafraid to show
While Piramal Pharma’s three key himself in a vulnerable light.
business verticals — CDMO, Complex Bachchan is a legend, but what defines
Hospital Generics (CHG), and India him is his dignified manner.
Consumer Healthcare (ICH) — have all He has one of the most influential social
picked up traction, its CDMO business has media timelines across all of India. From
been key in its revival story so far. And updates about his work to throwback
Piramal expects this to continue, despite pictures with his friends and family, the
the competitive nature of the business superstar uses his X (formerly Twitter)
— thanks to India being seen as a viable handle to deepen the bonds with his fans.
alternative to China. “Earlier there was One tweet from him can get millions of
a lot of development and manufacturing Indians on his side. Bachchan is hands
happening in China. Now, because of the down one of the most influential Indians
whole geo-political situation globally, a even today.
lot of it is moving also into India,” said
Piramal. 27 Dilip Shanghvi, 68, Businessman
The group had much to cheer about as it Widely regarded as
was awarded “The Best Organisation for the ‘Medicine Moghul’,
Women” at the ET awards, in 2023. Dilip Shanghvi worked
The Piramal Foundation works in tandem hard to make Sun
with state governments across 21 states Pharmaceuticals the
in India to support health and welfare, largest drug company in
education and provide safe drinking India and fifth largest in the world.