Page 12 - Seniors Today - Jan25 Issues
P. 12

and descend in our conduct and our                 “The digital medium is interactive, and
         character.                                        the newspaper is a one-way, passive
          - Can we be a great nation without               medium. Interactive media always wins
         knowing which side of the road to drive on?       over passive media. We believe that Times
          Every year, nearly 10,000 Indians lose           Internet, our digital arm, will one day be a
         lives in accidents caused by people driving       larger business than BCCL is now. Today,
         on the wrong side of the road.                    it reaches over 171 million users, who
          -Can we be a great nation with ever rising       spend billions of minutes a month across a
         mountains of garbage surrounding our              number of our products. At the same time,
         urban centres.                                    we continue to focus on providing value
          -Can we be a great nation if most of our         to consumers across all media — print,
         cities and towns are choking with pollution.      television, radio, and others,” said Jain on
          -Can we be a great nation when lynching          leading India’s media into the future.
         or beating a person to death becomes              Given all the changes taking place in digital
         commonplace.                                      and video, clearly the future is bright for
          -Can we be a great nation when we are            Vineet Jain.
         regarded as the rape capital of the world.
         Also, violence against women is treated as a       15 Harsh Goenka 67, Industrialist
         routine affair.                                                        In a recent post on ‘X’,
          -Can we be a great nation if our election                            RPG Group Chairman
         funding is open to question.                                          Harsh Goenka honoured
          -Can we be a great nation by confusing                               India’s top business
         disagreement with dissent, dissent with                               figures, attributing their
         disloyalty and disloyalty with treason?                               success to passion and
          -Can we be a great nation if we live in fear      legacy.
         of our government                                   “Why Ratan Tata inspires. Why Mukesh
          There are many more hard questions like           Ambani builds empires. Why Anand
         these that I am sure you ask yourself every        Mahindra tweets wisdom. Why Kumar
         day.                                               Birla globalises. Why Sanjiv Bajaj
          And I think most of you know the answer.          transforms finance. Why Uday Kotak
          It’s a resounding NO.                             strategises. Why Narayana Murthy
          We need to measure what I call our Gross          pioneers IT. Why Azim Premji gives
         Domestic Behaviour—GDB if you like—just            generously. Why Nikhil Kamath disrupts
         as we measure GDP.”                                markets. Why Gautam Adani scales
          Epic!                                             heights. Why Harsh Mariwala innovates
                                                            FMCG. Why Noel Tata dreams retail. Why
         14 Vineet Jain, 61, Media Baron                    Falguni Nayar empowers beauty. Why
                            After an amicable parting       Sridhar Vembu champions simplicity.
                            with brother Samir,             Why Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw makes
                            Vineet Jain now runs the        breakthroughs. Why Vinod Khosla funds
                            television, digital and         ideas. Why Deepinder Goyal changes how
                            experiential forays of the      we eat. Because business is not just work;
                            group.                          it’s passion turned into legacy.”

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