Page 7 - Seniors Today - Jan25 Issues
P. 7
1 Mukesh Ambani, 67, Industrialist and it is through these battles that we
We kick off 2025 with continue to evolve and excel,” he said,
the achievements adding: ““Even though the group’s
and milestones as financial position has never been more
#OneRelianceFamily robust, his focus was not on numbers but
led by Mukesh Ambani on the foundation laid out for the future.
tops all the charts and Moments of transformation do not wait
our most influential list, yet again. Ambani for us. They demand we rise to them with
was honoured as the Number 1 CEO in vision, courage and the will to act.”
India and Number 2 globally in the Brand Powerful words spoken from a person
Guardianship Index 2024. whose influence is spreading like wildfire.
So what’s new, you ask?
As we’ve said before, it’s not the rich list 3. Laxmi Niwas Mittal, 74, Industrialist
that concerns us as much as him being the Mittal has an illustrious
most influential Indian. Ambani continues career of turning sick
to be numero uno, driving his conglomerate steel companies into
to even more significant moves and profitable ventures.
leveraging in leaps and bounds at a global Having built himself
level. from the ground of
In 2024, Jio was named India’s ‘Strongest Sadulpur, near the Haryana- Rajasthan
Brands’ and ranked among the World’s 25 border where he was born, there’s only way
Strongest Brands, and Reliance Industries he has moved ever since: up.
was recognised as one of the World’s Most Mittal’s reputation as a master dealmaker
Valuable Brands and was named India’s and gamechanger was solidified when
Most Valuable Company. in 2004, he orchestrated the landmark
“Rise of a New India is an absolute merger of Ispat International with LNM
certainty,” he was quoted as saying at Holdings and the US-based International
his corporate’s AGM in August last year. Steel Group, forming the world’s largest
We agree, and that he is the force behind Ísteelmaker, Mittal Steel Company.
driving this level up, is indisputable. This big achievement notwithstanding, in
2006, the unthinkable happened. Arcelor,
2 Gautam Adani, 62, Industrialist a European titan, agreed to a merger with
Storms of 2024 Mittal Steel. In this way, ArcelorMittal was
Augmented Our Spirit: born, ruling over 10% of global production.
Gautam Adani’s New We acknowledge the excellent articulation
Year Message summed in this summary of Mittal from
up his year in a few In the hands of Lakshmi Mittal, cold, hard
succinct words. steel became a molten tapestry woven with
Reflecting on the past year, Gautam ambition, risk, and raw brilliance.
Adani said that 2024 was nothing short of With an empire worth ₹1.2 lakh crores,
extraordinary, emphasising “the journey to Lakshmi Mittal not only built something for
success is rarely linear”. himself but also contributed to reshaping an
“At our core, we are fearless fighters, industry, one furnace at a time.