Page 24 - Seniors Today - Jan25 Issues
P. 24

realised that the medical landscape in the         CEO Chanda Kochhar. A sizable decline in
         country was plagued by several gaps, such          the quality of assets in the corporate book
         as, poor infrastructure, abysmal delivery,         was not good news. Since then he’s turned
         and un-affordability.                              everything around.
          The cardiologist turned an entrepreneur at         Fortune India dubs Bakhshi as ICICI’s Mr
         50, despite a lot of opposition. He founded        Dependable.
         the first corporate chain of multi-speciality       Bakhshi insists on internal collaboration,
         hospitals in India, the Apollo Hospitals.          which basically means better coordination
          “The only legacy I would want is the              among teams on the ground and the head
         recognition of the importance of health for        office or the product heads.
         people. You may be born healthy, but you            That’s the Bakhshi mantra communicated
         can become unhealthy. Therefore, health            to his 140,000-strong workforce: the
         should be prioritised over wealth. I recall        importance of building a sustainable
         a quote that stated, ‘Medical expenditure          business strategy and an organisation that
         is not an expenditure; it’s an investment          can stand the test of time.
         in your health’. People must remember
         the importance of health right from the            46 Jamshyd Godrej, 77, Adi Godrej 83,
         beginning… Focusing on health will ensure          Nadir Godrej 73, Industrialists
         that both health and happiness go hand in                             Over the past few decades,
         hand.                                                                most urban Indian families
          Apollo has been an incredible journey,                              have been touched by the
         and I cannot think of anyone else who has                            Godrej brand. From locks
         returned to India to establish a healthcare                          and safes to consumer
         business from scratch. It wasn’t initially                           products, electronics and
         my plan to become a businessman, but                                 real estate, the group has
         circumstances led me down this path.”  - In                          diversified into various
         Business Today 2024                                                  businesses over the
          Dr Reddy has been providing quality                                 years. When it comes to
         healthcare in India since 1983, and there are                        influential personalities in
         no signs of him slowing down. As one of the                          the world of business, the
         country’s oldest billionaires, he continues to                       name of Jamshyd Godrej,
         shatter stereotypes by maintaining an active                         Chairman and Managing
         six day work routine.  Also, the most senior                         Director of Godrej & Boyce,
         person of our influential list, he says, ‘health                     shines bright. He believes
         has no holiday’. We salute you Sir.                                  that there is a growing role
                                                                              for every next generation
         45 Sandeep Bakhshi, 63, Banker                     in family businesses. “The next generation
                           When Bakhshi entered the         is always smarter than the previous one,
                           corner office of ICICI in        and their contribution will be enormous,”
                           October 2018, the bank had       he told NDTV Profit last year. In June 2024,
                           a lot on its plate, including    the family announced the rare amicable
                           the mired-in-controversial       settlement of asset ownership under which
                           departure of then MD and         assets were split between Jamshyd and his

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