Page 26 - Seniors Today - Jan25 Issues
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interests also extend beyond her corporate and creating meaningful change in ways that
responsibilities. Tewari is an enthusiastic were once reserved for younger generations.
reader and writer, passionate about dance Their voice is one we should all listen to,
and nature. She is particularly fond of for it is rich with experience, wisdom, and
wildlife and forest explorations. In 2012 she insight that often goes untapped. Watch out
launched a biography of her grandfather, for this wave of influence—they are here to
‘Beyond Pipes & Dreams – The Life of Vithal stay.
Balkrishna Gandhi’.
Tewari’s journey is a powerful illustration 50 The Unknown
of blending professional success with a Indian
deep sense of social responsibility. Her You know who you are.
story underpins essential core values— You may be considered
true power encompasses not just financial as just an ‘ordinary’
accomplishments but more the positive citizen and your
impact that you have on society for future extraordinariness goes unsung. Yet you go
generations. on…
Y-o-y you are our most influential person
49 The Influencer because you use your inner power to get
The new entrant in our Top 50 list. the smallest things done. The things that
While most of the trailblazing influencers go unnoticed in the buzz and humdrum of
are in their 20s or 30s, there is a growing everyday life.
number of voices from the seniorhood who You don’t need to be on the rich list; your
are commanding attention and respect in riches lie in your ability and determination
today’s world. to make our world a better place.
They are not We may place you at 50 but you total up to
politicians, nor 100!
industrialists, actors, The list of good deeds you do is endless
journalists, or lawyers. To’ The Unknown Indians’ - YOU are the
But they possess most powerful influencers of a better India
something invaluable—a – waking up each day to serve, with no
point of view that expectation of reward or accolades.
resonates with people We honour each one of you, and thank
across generations. you for inspiring others, through your
They are the Influencers. They have unconditional love and kindness. For
mastered the art of presenting their making our country and the world a brighter
perspectives clearly and compellingly, often place – every day.
through social media and digital platforms.
And despite their age, they are being heard
by everyone.
In the years to come, expect the tribe
of influencers among the 60-plussers to
grow. They may not conform to traditional
expectations, but they are making their mark