Page 7 - Seniorstoday July 2024 Issue
P. 7

setting him on a path of prayer and fasting.                                  not get a good
         “That night I had a dream where the saint                                     enough script.
         appeared with a white beard and he was                                        It is a director
         sitting on the other side of a river. He asked                                who makes script
         me to come to him and I didn’t swim but                                       work and helps
         ran to him,” Rajinikanth recounted. The                                       the artists as
         next day, upon inquiry, he discovered the                                     well as the other
         godman was Sri Raghavendra, further                                           technicians. If
         deepening his spiritual resolve.                                              you look at the
          Reflecting on his transition into cinema,                                    legendary Sivaji
         Rajinikanth credited his journey to pivotal        Ganesan, he has had filmmakers like A
         moments like joining the film institute and        BhimSingh, AP Nagarajan, P Madhavan
         catching the eye of Balachander sir. “Then         and A Thirulogachander making films
         I became a bus conductor, then joined              with him. If he did not have these kinds of
         the film institute, was then identified by         makers with him, he would not have ever
         Balachander sir, and became a star,” he            got the title of Nadigar Thilagam.  Ditto
         acknowledged, tracing the milestones               with MGR Sir, but then he was more than
         that shaped his career. A poignant visit           what a director even was. Even in my
         to Mantralaayam reinforced his belief in           career it is the directors who have shaped
         destiny when he encountered the same               my career and made me who I am. I started
         river from his dream. “So, he and the              shooting for films around 50 years ago and
         people of Tamil Nadu had made me a star,           I have to admit that the directors are the
         and that’s how a conductor is standing             ones who have given my career an impetus
         before you in a suit,” Rajinikanth expresses       and a direction,” says Rajinikanth.
         gratitude for the path his life had taken.          Rajini  also mentions how directors have
                                                            clearly shaped his career.
                                                             “It started with SP Muthuraman sir and
                                                            then it was Mahendran Sir who changed
                                                            the way I was doing my films and roles. It
                                                            was Raj Shekhar who gave me a variety of

        KS K Balachander with Kamal and Rajni

           Rajinikanth adds that the director is
        the most important person in the film
        industry. “The producer is like a father
        and the director is like a mother. Often I
        choose films based on the subject and a
        director. There are a lot of times when I do
        not sign a film for months together as I do

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #61 | JULY 2024                                                               7
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