Page 5 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 5


                          Bachi Karkaria  is a veteran
                          journalist and author. She has
                          worked for many years with                          Urvi   Piramal    oversees  a
                          The Times of India, and a bit                       professionally       managed
                          with Mid-Day as also with The                       conglomerate   with   business
                          Statesman. She curates the Times                    interest in real estate, textiles
                          Litfest, Mumbai                                     and cutting tools. A wildlife
                                                                              enthusiast, she has authored two
                                                                              books on wildlife: in India and
                                                                              Africa. She spends her leisure
                                                                              time  reading,  listening  to  music
                                                                              and traveling extensively

         Nanda Singh  has been a popular
         name  in  film  journalism.  She
         prefers to not share her identity,
         instead shares this vector image.                  Deepa Gahlot   is one of India’s
                                                            seniormost   and   best-known
                                                            entertainment  journalists.  A
                                                            National  Award-winning  film
                                                            critic, she has authored several
                                                            books on film and theatre.

                           Vinita Alvares Fernandes  is an
                           Economics graduate, a writer and
                           a  Trinity  College  certified  public            Nagesh Alai   Alai is Co-Founder
                           speaker and communicator                          of an enterprise AI startup,
                                                                             having traversed for long the
                                                                             consultancy  and  the corporate
                                                                             worlds prior to that. He mentors
                                                                             startups,  selectively  serves
                                                                             on company boards and loves
                                                                             writing about his life experiences.
                                                                             He can be reached at

         Dr Nandini Saini  is a practising
         homoeopath and aesthetician
         with experience of over 15 years.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #49 | JULY 2023                                                               5
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