Page 9 - Seniorstoday July-2023 Issue
P. 9
went to Rekha—like Utsav, Ijaazat, Basera, The new Vogue photo spread and the
also the revenge drama Khoon Bhari slightly ridiculous Barbie AI images
Maang. created by Myntra (she never looked like
Her past filmography was enough to that when she was young), really do not do
keep up audience interest in her, even Rekha any favours. Of course, she appears
as her movie releases slowed to a trickle. fabulous, but also fake, so thickly layered
It was also that air of mystery that she with make-up that she can’t smile, hence,
deliberately cultivated, hidden behind the the standard sultry gaze. The millennial
walls of the bungalow, into which very few and Gen Z generation admire her classic
of the inner circle were admitted. beauty, but also think she is a throwback.
She appeared at awards functions, Hema Malini, Zeenat Aman, Shabana
resplendent in gold Kanjeevarams and Azmi face the world without make-up
temple jewellery, looking elegant and and artifice. They have lives and careers
majestic, also, more out of date each year. that allow them to interact with the world
That kind of overblown glamour was outside, while Rekha keeps herself shut
dropped by the new bunch of actresses, in her ivory tower. Women would want
who favoured gowns and Western outfits, to see older women look natural and not
and a casual Insta interaction with fans. surgically altered or plastered with paint.
Zeenat Aman and Dimple Kapadia wear
their grey hair with pride. There is nothing
shameful about ageing, about facial
lines that indicate a life well lived. When
Rekha can face the world without filters,
she will come out as the true diva and an
inspiration for women who have grown up
idolising her.
Part of Vogue’s cover spread of the glamourous actress
The Hindustan Times
Barbie AI images created by Myntra