Page 29 - Seniorstoday June2023
P. 29

‘vadhiyar’ ( a priest ) in the community            Subbu and Ranjana were pensive, as they
         and by the simple living of his own father,        sat in their sunny balcony on a Sunday
         a practising chartered accountant of               morning, quaffing the ubiquitous filter
         high integrity and his mother, a loving            coffee and discussing how to cope with
         homemaker famous for her heart-warming             their current situation and satisfy their
         generosity and cuisines.                           children’s dreams. It was daunting to say
          Subbu was frugality personified and               the least. They personally were very happy
         saw nature holistically as a sharable              with their lot and have had a wonderful life
         and preservable cosmic gift. He never              of limited needs and manageable wants.
         compared himself with anyone nor did               Their children too had been happy and
         he ever rue his financial condition with           contented and excelled in their studies,
         the firm belief that the divine will provide       but of late had started thinking differently
         him with enough sustenance to manage               about the paths they want to tread and
         life. So it was, the temple management             experience life beyond the borders of
         and his patrons for whom he performed              Mumbai and the shores of India. The fact
         religious rituals and ceremonies were              is also that neither Subbu nor Ranjana
         relatively generous in their ‘dakshina’ to         were comfortable asking anyone for help or
         him and he somehow managed providing               financial support knowing fully well that
         for his family, nary a wrinkle or a furrow         they will never be able to repay it. They
         on his forehead. After all he had a roof           believed firmly that no one should pass
         over his head, courtesy the prescience             with unpaid debts.
         of his father, and a loving family in his           In this state of helplessness, Subbu
         wife, Ranjana and two gifted children,             could not help recalling and sharing with
         Raghavan and Ragini. Like his father,              Ranjana the story of his grandfather that
         Subbu too managed to secure and ensure             his father had often recounted to him
         some good foundational education for his           in his childhood.  His grandfather was
         two children who were about to finish their        apparently holding an important position
         college graduation and looking forward             in the mill that he was employed in and
         to post graduation programmes abroad.              the chief manager had entrusted him the
         Little did the children realise that while         job of scrutinising all cotton purchases
         Subbu and Ranjana could manage their               for their quality and quantity and passing
         children’s basic education, they had no            the invoices for payment only after
         resources to fund their expensive overseas         ascertainment.  As a necessary internal
         studies. Neither did it ever occur to the          process, the mill had three suppliers for the
         simple living and high thinking couple             purchase of the cotton. One of the vendors
         that their children would want to take             was a person named Iman who had
         wings and cross the seven seas. Their firm         founded Iman Cotton Enterprises and had
         belief was that India had enough to offer to       been supplying cotton to some of the best
         every aspirant. After all, did not Subbu’s         known mills of those times including the
         two siblings make a mark for themselves            one where Subbu’s grandfather worked.
         in India, having passed the best of the             Iman was an adventurous trader and
         competitive examinations and making a              was financially highly geared. Because
         mark in their envious careers?                     of this, he always chased his clients for

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