Page 31 - Seniorstoday June2023
P. 31

envelope with a hand written note. Rich            valuable heritage jewellery out of the
         as  Iman’s family was, none ever bothered          collection that Iman family had collected
         or remembered the envelope and it was              over the decades, with a view to raise some
         lying somewhere in one of their many bank          monies. As they were rummaging through
         lockers and passed down the generations.           the lockers and the many jewellery, they
                                                            came across an old sealed envelope. Imran
                                                            and Aaliya opened the envelope to find a
                                                            note in Urdu that his grandfather, Iman,
                                                            had written decades ago. As they read
                                                            the note, incredulity and smile spread on
                                                            their visages and they were visibly moved.
                                                            They immediately knew what needed to be
                                                            done. They put the old envelope in a sealed
                                                            pouch and couriered it to the Iyer’s home.
                                                            Subbu and Ranjana received the courier
                                                            the next day at lunch. With much
         As Subbu and Ranjana were ruminating,              curiosity they opened the envelope and
         they heard a doorbell and in walks Imran           were shocked to see the wad of crisp old
         and his wife, Aaliya, with their customary         Rs.1, 000 notes from the British India
         box of sweets. Truth be told, Imran                era and the early Republic India times.
         and his family loved the tasty idli and            Since Subbu was well versed in Urdu,
         sambhar made by Ranjana and welcomed               he could understand what Iman’s note
         themselves to the Iyer’s spartan home to           said. Essentially, it was extolling Subbu’s
         partake of the sumptuous breakfast, as             grandfather’s integrity and simplicity and
         often as possible. It was their way of going       attributing his own business empire’s
         light once a week and what better than idli        success to the good intent and wishes of
         on an idle Sunday at their close friend’s          Subbu’s grandfather. Iman’s intent was to
         home, followed by the aromatic filter              keep these notes aside for the Iyer family,
         coffee. Subbu’s and Ranjana’s pensiveness          should it ever be required by them for
         was not lost on Imran or his wife; they            any just cause. As it turns out, the Iyer
         knew from their own children about                 family found out that the old numismatic
         Raghavan and Ragini’s wish for overseas            notes were worth a huge fortune of over
         studies and it was not difficult to put            Rs. 60 million, many times over the
         two and two together to understand and             overseas education expenses of Raghavan
         empathise with the Iyer’s worries.                 and Ragini.  Subbu and Ranjana could
         After a hearty brunch, Imran and Aaliya            only wonder and marvel at the divine
         left the Iyer’s home and on their way              intervention at the right time via the
         back home were discussing how to help              munificent Iman family. They sauntered
         their friends, knowing fully well that             out for a visit to the temple and to Imran
         the Iyers will be loath to seek any help.          and Aaliya’s abode of love for a warm
         They went to their bank the very  next             tete-a-tete over a phirni.  God does pay
         day and were going through their four              unexpected visits to the conscientious
         safe deposit lockers to select a few and           mortals in immortal ways.

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