Page 38 - Seniorstoday June2023
P. 38
at a height of 2652 m and Apharwat is 3800 in Siberia and Central Asia. Duksum is
m above sea level. known for Trout fishing. There is much to
Sonamarg is another popular destination see and savour, so let Kashmir be your next
for a day trip. If you like to stay overnight holiday destination.
there are a number of hotels. This
picturesque place lies on the road to Kargil TIPS FOR SENIOR TRAVELLERS:
and Ladakh and also provides an alternate ● Carry adequate inners, woollens, caps,
but the more difficult and arduous route to mufflers, leg warmers, jackets and socks.
the Amarnath Cave via Baltal. The Kolhai Room heaters and bed warmers are
Glacier is situated near Sonamarg. After provided in most hotels for extreme cold
a small trek one can enjoy the snow of the weather.
glacier and the ice cold waters of the steam ● A windcheater/ rain coat can be useful
formed there with. anytime in the mountains.
Yusmarg, known as the little valley of ● Hats, caps and shades/goggles are a must
flowers, is a green meadow. After the snow – the glare in the sun can be unbearable at
melts in the summer it is full of wildflowers times. The sun feels really hot and can tan
in different hues. It is a place ideally suited you easily. Do carry sunscreen with you.
for a relaxed holiday away from the din of ●At least two pairs of comfortable walking
vehicles and towns. shoes. Sandals are not a good idea even in
People driving down from Jammu like the summers.
to take a detour to Verinag. A small place ● Gum boots are available on rent in
with big significance as the river Jhelum snowbound tourist spots like Gulmarg,
starts from a spring in the tank here. A Khilanmarg, Sonamarg etc.
small arched construction around the tank ● A folding walking stick Is advisable even
resonates with Mughal architecture. if you don’t need one regularly, it can be
These are the common places most people helpful while climbing steps and slopes
like to visit. But for the nature lovers, especially in the Mughal gardens and
bird watchers and wildlife enthusiasts elsewhere. It provides additional support
there are places like The National Park at and a lot of confidence.
Dachigam where one can easily see the ● ATVs, ponies, wheel chairs, sledges are
Hangul – the Kashmir stag, and if you are available at most places on extra payment
lucky you see the Musk deer, Himalayan for tourists/visitors. Sometimes even if you
Brown bear, Himalayan Black bear, even can walk, you’ll want to rent one just for the
snow leopards have been spotted. You can fun of it and the convenience!
also find many other animals and birds in ● No prepaid mobile connections will work
different seasons. Besides Dachigam, there in the valley. Ensure you have at least
is also the Hirpora Wildlife Sanctuary with one post-paid one in your group. Wi-Fi
similar animals. Anchar Lake is a much connectivity is available in most hotels and
loved destination for bird watchers and houseboats.
photographers. Hokersar Wetlands are an ● Finally – Remember to carry all your
important staging ground for medium and prescribed and general medicines. Your
long distance migratory shorebirds, geese, particular ones may not be available easily.
cranes, ducks and other species that breed Please carry as required.