Page 42 - Seniorstoday June2023
P. 42
The engineer and army
gunner who gunned for
the Pandavas: Gufi Paintal
‘Shakuni Mama’ went to rock the Pandavas’ boat in Mahabharat and etched the
character in Indian television history, writes Dr S Ramachandran
The Shakuni Mama of BR Chopra’s epic then. My father was keen that I take up
serial Mahabharat Gufi Paintal alias engineering. I was not someone who opened
Sarabjit Singh Paintal was three years his mind to my father back and though I
old and in Lahore when he was suddenly was disinterested, went on to do mechanical
yanked from his roots, put in a military engineering,” Gufi told this writer once.
truck from Lahore and taken to India. By Suddenly there was a clarion call
the time they had reached the border town for Indians to join the army when the
of TarnTarn, young Sarabjit had seen unfriendly neighbours China and Pakistan
too many dead bodies to his comfort but started skirmishes and then wars with
realized how important a role the army had India and Gufi along with 59 others from
played in his life and wanted to wear the his college, left their studies to join the army
fatigues as he grew up. for a few years. “Back then patriotism had a
The option was to be an actor. But his different meaning, we were a young country
father – who had grown up as a cameraman free from the clutches of the British. A list
for the noted Punjabi filmmaker from of patriotic stories were being imbibed into
Pakistan Dalsukh M Pancholi at the us and hence we had to respond to the call
Pancholi Arts Studios - was not keen that of joining the army and one of my childhood
his son do any of that. “Back in the day, ambitions was fulfilled,” he added.
we all had to do what our fathers wanted Having said that, Gufi one met his uncle
us to do. There were very few options - who retired later as a Lt General then