Page 38 - Seniorstoday March 2024 Issue
P. 38

before realizing that the actual winner was
         Lloyd for Cavalcade. Capra, later recalled
         the moment with shame, saying to The
         Hollywood Reporter, “I wish I could have
         crawled under the rug like a miserable
          In 1940, Hattie McDaniel won Best
         Supporting Actress for Gone with the
         Wind, making her the first Black Oscar
         winner. However, segregation was
         practiced in the US then, and the Academy          Sacheen Littlefeather at the 1973 Oscars
         Awards were held at the Ambassador                  The Academy Awards red carpet is now
         Hotel, which did not permit Black into             a moving exhibition of fashion—some
         the premises. Producer David O. Selznick           elegant, some outrageous. In 1986, Cher,
         had to get special permission for her to be        shocked in a barely there Bob Mackie outfit,
         allowed in, but she still had to sit at the        that was made up of a very low-waisted
         back, separate from her white co-stars. This       skirt, a very cropped top and a bizarre
         was shocking racism but it was much later          feathered headpiece. When the dropped
         that Blacks started getting the respect they       jaws were back in place, Mackie told New
         deserved.                                          Yorker that the dress was, in part, an act
          In 1973, Marlon Brando’s performance as           of revenge. “She was pissed off, because
         Don Corleone in The Godfather was a shoo-          she didn’t get nominated for Mask. There
         in for the Oscar. But the star, notorious          were a lot of people who said, ‘That’s not
         for his eccentricity, declined to attend and       fashion!’ And I said, ‘Of course it’s not
         sent Apache actress Sacheen Littlefeather          fashion. It’s a crazy getup for attention.’
         on his behalf and she delivered a powerful         And it did get attention—people talk about
         speech about the “poor treatment of Native         it still.”
         Americans in the film industry.”  The term
         trolled had not come into usage then, but
         that is what she had to put up with. She
         was allegedly told that she must condense
         her speech to 60 seconds or risk being
         arrested. In June 2022, the Academy
         sent Littlefeather an apology which
         read “The abuse you endured because
         of this statement was unwarranted and              Cher; 1986 Oscars
         unjustified. The emotional burden you               Beating Cher’s controversial dress, was
         have lived through and the cost to your            Icelandic singer-actress Bjork’s swan outfit
         own career in our industry are irreparable.        in 2001, by Macedonian designer Marjan
         For too long the courage you showed has            Pejoski, that had her leaving “eggs” in her
         been unacknowledged. For this, we offer            wake. The tulle dress is still voted the worst
         both our deepest apologies and our sincere         Oscar outfit ever. Later, she said in an
         admiration.”                                       interview with The New York Times, “They

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