Page 34 - Seniorstoday March 2024 Issue
P. 34
app, hit settings>Alexa account>Recognised How voice assistants are changing the
voices. game for elderly adults
More often than we’d like, ageing brings
Google Home with it mobility issues, impaired vision,
When you plug in your Google Home feelings of isolation, and various other
speaker, you’ll see four white dots light up worrisome concerns that take a toll on
and hear a “Hello” from Google Assistant. our mental and physical well-being. In
Download the Google Home app and click such cases, digital assistants act like
on Set up for the Google Home device. companions, making our lives easier and
You’ll hear a test sound to confirm it’s more accessible.
connected to the correct speaker. Select Yes. Be it a friend you can have a good ol’ chat
Name the room you placed your speaker with or a trivia master quizzing you on
in and select your Wi-Fi network. After the latest happenings, voice assistants can
saying the wake phrase, “Hey, Google” or become who you want them to be. Here are
“OK, Google,” you’re all set to start talking. six compelling reasons to incorporate them
Like the Amazon speaker, you could train it into your life.
to recognise your unique voice by tapping 1. Call an emergency contact
Voice Match in the app. Emergencies strike unannounced.
Knowing your loved one is a voice
Apple HomePod command away brings tremendous
On plugging in your Apple HomePod, relief. This feature comes in handy for
coloured lights will appear on the top, elderly individuals living alone. They
accompanied by a sound. There is no need may encounter slips or other untoward
to install an app since your iOS device incidents that make it difficult to reach
already includes one built-in. Simply bring their phones in time. A quick shout to
your device close to the HomePod speaker, your voice assistant, such as, “Alexa, call
and it should connect automatically. Make <contact’s name>” or “OK Google, call
sure your Bluetooth is enabled and your <contact’s name>”, assures that help is on
device is connected to Wi-Fi. the way.
Select Set Up. Choose the room your Please note that you must grant
HomePod is sitting in, and tap Continue. permission to make calls through the
Place your device over the HomePod, wait smart speaker via the respective Alexa,
till you hear the chimes, and you’re set. The Google Home, or Apple Home app for this
wake-up phrase is “Hey Siri”. feature to work. And don’t forget to test it
out beforehand.
2. Turn on the bathroom light
Navigating through the darkness at night
and attempting to locate and toggle the
right light switches can prove quite the
task. What if you could ask your voice
assistant to do it? That’s right. Saying,
“Alexa, turn on the bathroom light” from
the comfort of your bed removes the hassle