Page 32 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 32

was in full swing, the boss started calling         Every story has an end but here the end
         me on the field phone. I gave a message            was through a painful course. Soon after the
         that I was busy and would talk to him later,       conversation of the assistant with the control,
         though I could have found time to talk to him.     the pantograph of the very first train after
         I had no intention of facing the fury of hell      restoration got entangled. The action replay
         before completing the work. The work was           continued for seven times. The assistant was
         completed, power was restored and the first        by now shaken up but his pride got converted
         train was allowed to pass. Before it negotiated    into false courage and he continued to say that
         the spot fully, my assistant officer spoke to      the fault was of the loco department.
         the control. He conveyed that everything was        While the last entanglement was taking
         ok, there was no defect in the OHE, and that       place, a class four staff member approached
         the problem was with the locomotive. By then       me quietly and told me that one drop- down
         it was past midnight, I was not sure whether       fitting, popularly known as namaskar fitting,
         the boss would still be awake. The controller      just before the troubled spot, was defective.
         would have briefed him if he was in touch          The fitting had got the name due to its
         with the control. I therefore postponed my         shape. Class four staff is the lowest level of
         talk till morning.                                 employee in the railways. He had told this
          The assistant officer was a supervisor            to the assistant officer but the ego did not
         in OHE before becoming an officer. I was           permit the assistant to agree with the class
         new to this department, having worked in           four staff. Instead of taking the suggestion in
         locomotive maintenance earlier. He therefore       a positive way, the staff was ridiculed. The
         had a free hand, Carte blanche. He was able        fitting was almost in its place and as per the
         to overpower the loco supervisors by using         staff, the fitting was getting displaced during
         my name. After conveying the message to the        the movement of the train. The displacement
         control, the assistant officer’s body language     was very small and was not easily noticeable.
         changed, his gait became that of Salman Khan       It was like an error of half millimetre in a
         in bodyguard. He was a good officer but for        kilometre. It was the rarest of the rare disease
         him Thomas Anthony meant “I am OK, you             and only a great physician could diagnose
         are not OK ‘’ forever. He took it that whatever    it. For the assistant officer, superiority of
         he hit was a target. People believed him since     anyone in this field was not digestible, least
         he was in OHE since his joining till date. The     by the class four staff. Though I was not fully
         conclusion of my assistant suited me, a by-        convinced with the staff, with no alternative
         product of his happiness.                          in sight, I asked him to go ahead. He quickly
                                                            climbed the ladder, reached the fitting and
                                                            tightened it. He completed his job while the
                                                            assistant was away at some other location.
                                                            The staff did it quietly and quickly, so as to
                                                            still remain in the good books of the assistant
                                                            officer. What was a Coup d’état for the staff,
                                                            was a Coup de grace for me! A train was
                                                            allowed to pass and to my good luck, it passed
                                                            safely. There after I watched a few more trains
                                                            for their passage, it was a perfect job. An ass is

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