Page 30 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 30


        Right way, wrong way or


         Suresh P Khade recounts an incident that occurred in the Indian railways,
         which can be correlated to working life in general

         Organisation structures that have                  fight about AC /DC continued till the nineties
         departments with their own sets of goals and       in the railways. In this fight, the supporters
         people create the hardened groups within           of AC won and the only pocket of dc traction
         the organisation. It is unavoidable in the         in Mumbai- India got converted to AC. The
         railways where the knowledge of all branches       conversion was mainly to match the traction
         of engineering is needed. As in the orchestra      voltage with the rest of the country. To me
         where the theme has to be internalised well,       DC appeared as more suitable for suburban
         to produce a harmonious output, the different      sections. There was a prelude in ‘Vichha
         departments in such organisations need to          Mazi Puri Kara’. A general was commanding
         complement each other like instruments             a parade of two soldiers, with swords in
         in an orchestra. That the Indian Railway is        their hands. Dada Kondke held it correctly
         working, is proof of its teamwork.  I, being an    at the hilt but the other senior person held it
         electrical engineer, was part of the electrical    at that point. When the general noticed the
         department. This department has many sub           difference, the senior being senior made the
         areas like rolling stock, traction distribution,   junior hold the sword in the incorrect way!
         general services etc as well as strong             Something like this has happened for the
         departmental bias. The Tesla Thomas Edison         decision to convert DC to AC in Mumbai!

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