Page 5 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 5
Narendra Kusnur is India’s
best-known music journalist.
Born with a musical spoon, so
to speak, he is a late bloomer in
music criticism. Prabhakar Mundkur is an
advertising veteran, a lateral
thinker, storyteller and musician.
A coffee aficionado, husband and
a father of two, he also describes
himself as a dog’s best friend.
Nagesh Alai is a management
consultant, an independent
director on company board and
cofounder of a B2B enterprise
tech startup.
Dr Nandini Saini is a practising
homoeopath and aesthetician
with experience of over 15 years.
Vijay Taparia, Executive
Director of Supreme Industries
Ltd, is a foodie and amateur
singer, and is involved in a wide Suresh P Khade an electrical
range of philanthropic activities. engineer, retired as a Director
of Indian Railways Institute of
Electrical Engineering, after
working extensively on Mumbai
suburban and main line services.
Besides writing many articles
and books on Rolling Stock and
Over Head Lines, He worked as
a Director (Technical) for the first
metro line in Mumbai and for the
first monorail in India.