Page 10 - Seniorstoday May 2022 Issue
P. 10
available off the shelf often mixed with soda
or coke and sold as masala coke.
Besides the above there are carts that sell
Nimbu – Paani, fresh lime water, soda.
Also, fresh fruit sundaes are usually on a My personal favourite is a combination
large stainless-steel pot with a block of ice. of milk and soda. Take a bowl, open a
Pieces of muskmelon, diluted with milk and bottle of soda and pour the milk and soda
sugar. Similarly, water melon with ice and simultaneously into the bowl. Make sure
rose sherbet, orange with pieces of oranges both milk and soda are chilled. Don’t need
and orange sherbet, apples with milk and to add anything else. All these homegrown
sugar. In all these summer drinks, the taste drinks continue to survive despite coke and
is a combination of the fruits, sweet, tangy, Pepsi and the likes of them. Thank god for
chaat masala and ice. that.
“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want
to give, but cannot. All the unspent love gathers up in the cor-
ners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in the hollow
part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.”
– Jamie Anderson
Psychologists believe writing about grief can reduce pain. Research
has found that putting down one’s thoughts about worries and con-
Share cerns can help those looking for ways to cope with their grief.
Your While writing requires motivation, energy and dedication, it’s easy,
less stressful and all one needs is a pen, paper, computer or your
Grief device keypad. You don’t have to talk to anyone about it.
At Seniors Today, we are happy to provide you a forum to publish
your personal accounts. Simply mail them to us at with Share Your Grief in the subject.
Please also include your name and contact number so that we may
contact you in case we wish to make any clarification. While we
would like you to write the first person account with your name,
we will – needless to say – not disclose your information if you
wouldn’t like us to.