Page 3 - Seniorstoday May 2024 Issue
P. 3
Publisher’s Note
There’s nothing wrong for seniors
to think of sex…
Age, as they say, is just a number. And this applies fact is that most seniors are still capable of enjoying
to the sex lives of senior citizens. In our Cover a fulfilling sex life.
Story this month, well-known sexologist Dr Rajan Seniors must have friends with whom they can
Bhosale provides insights on how to lead a happy socialise and discuss their mental concerns. Often
and fulfilling sex life. Dr Bhosale writes about the the issues are the same, only the families are
importance of communication between couples different. Getting out of the house and running
and the ability to talk freely and frankly about sex. errands as simple as buying vegetables is good to
Conversations that are ongoing, proactive, caring keep the mind sharp. There are many benefits in
and take into cognisance a man and woman’s needs joining a gym and doing a light workout. Exercise
in a holistic manner. helps maintain and build bone density and muscle
Couples must never stop using their own mass.
intelligence, sense of humour and imagination to It’s perfectly alright in wanting to look good and
refresh their physical and emotional relationship. attract the opposite sex. Yes, there’s nothing wrong
It is important to recognise that sexual desire in having a sexual relationship if you are a senior.
can continue into seniorhood. Yes, there could be So what if you are 60-plus?! As I said earlier, age is
physical changes associated with ageing such as just a number.
decreased hormone level or erectile dysfunction,
but these can be addressed with a visit to a
sexologist, a urologist or a gynaecologist.
Very often, seniors tend to ignore these issues
by assuming that they are part of growing old. Dr Vickram Sethi
Bhosale corrects this notion in his article. For, the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief