Page 7 - Seniorstoday May 2024 Issue
P. 7
it. Occasionally, minor variations may be things may work to improve one’s sex life
played out in such a preferred fantasy, but on a temporary and superficial level. But
by and large the central theme remains beware of the great danger in superficial
fixed. sexual remedies. As one becomes more and
more dependent on outside stimulation,
one decreases his/her natural ability to feel
turned on by one’s partner. You may feel
turned on while being with your partner
but not by her or him. Two individuals
who are turned on by themselves, but not
by the other person, are two individuals
who are having sex, but not making love.
APHRODISIACS – Discussing the most
popular sexual myth
There are situations in which The biggest and most popular myth that
preferential fantasies may become has survived down the ages is about
troublesome. ‘aphrodisiacs’. Centuries ago, people
For some people, the repeated and believed that aphrodisiacs had magical
exclusive use of such a fantasy may lead to powers to open up the gates of divine
a situation in which the fantasy becomes sexual pleasures and fantasies. That belief
mandatory for sexual arousal. The person exists even today. Almost in every corner
no longer responds sexually to one’s of the world people still use aphrodisiacs to
partner since sexual arousal depends on rev up their sex lives. It could be something
fantasy alone. Sometimes, preferential as ordinary as banana or vanilla or as
fantasies can become obsessions that may absurd as zebra tongue or tiger penis.
interfere with behaviour or the thinking- All kinds of common and peculiar foods,
feeling process. Not all sexual fantasies are beverages, drugs, magical potions, and
willfully conjured up or pleasurable. Some chemical concoctions have been tried as
fantasies recur over and over again despite aphrodisiacs to enhance sexual pleasure,
being unwanted; other fantasies flood into energy and drive.
the individual’s awareness in a frightening Named after ‘Aphrodite’, the Greek
fashion, producing inner turmoil or conflict goddess of love, beauty and fertility,
and feelings of guilt and shame. Fantasies ‘Aphrodisiacs’ are those substances that
of this sort may either result in sexual supposedly induce or boost sexual desire
arousal or may be so distressing that sexual in a person. Several herbs, chemicals,
feelings may shut off. plants, drugs, foodstuffs, and other
Some popular magazines and even books substances are claimed to have positive
written by sexologists suggest that if you effects on the human sexual function.
are not turned on by your partner, you However, there is no scientific evidence
should fantasise about someone else while to back this up. Also, many so-called
having sex. We personally believe that this aphrodisiacs can be potentially toxic
suggestion is not always helpful. These and thus be harmful. It is absolutely