Page 40 - Seniorstoday May 2024 Issue
P. 40

Khiva                                              harsh realities of life in the desert, a life
         “Captivated by the echoes of the past.”            lived according to rigid social conventions.
          From a sleepy town on the outskirts of            Once it was a slave trading city, with very
         the Silk Road to the largest slave market          strict rules and punishments for crime.
         in Central Asia, from imperial Khanate             Now  a living open-air museum, its narrow
         to Communist Republic: The stories of              lanes are full of music, markets and
         history are best told by the places where          when we were there, colourful Navroze
         they unfold.                                       festivities; travellers are encouraged to join
          Khiva, my favourite city in Uzbekistan            in the dancing and try on furry hats made
         is a seven-hour drive west  through a              of astrakhan wool.
         bleak landscape of sand and stones,                 Tash Hauli is a palace inside the Itchan
         where our van was buffeted by                      Kala with extravagant interior decorations,
         legendary sandstorms. It is the smallest           more than 150 rooms, and  9 courtyards.
         of Uzbekistan’s Silk Road cities, circled          Translated as ‘Stone House’, the complex
         entirely by the desert, that defines its           was once the summer home of the Khan
         character: sand-coloured, sun-baked and            in Khiva. Full of dazzling blue tiles and
         perhaps the most intact, remote, and best          delicately carved furniture, the most
         preserved of them all. Walking through its         intriguing section is the Harem. It’s
         history is like walking through a museum           said the Khan had five wives… and 41
         without walls where every historical site          concubines
         unveils the secrets of bygone eras.                 One of the most captivating  sights is the
          Exploring the inner city surrounded by            Juma Mosque with  218 wooden columns
         a fortress that encloses ancient madrasas,         supporting the roof. Originally built in the
         mosques, minarets, and clay-coloured               10th century, the current mosque today
         houses, is like time-traveling with your           is mostly an 18th-century renovation.
         imagination. Behind the massive walls is           Entering, one’s eyes adjust to the dim light,
         a small city centre known as Ichan-Kala.           and the time-worn wooden pillars come
         Walking the ancient streets of Ichan-              into focus, some of them dating back to the
         Kala, climbing the impressive mud walls,           original 10th century.  Golden light filters
         visiting the palace, mausoleum, and                through a skylight in the centre, spreading
         mosques and enjoying refreshments in its           out towards the four corners to illuminate
         teahouses are all essential experiences in         the intricately carved details on the
         this atmospheric place. This little patch of       columns – each one different and unique.
         terracotta-coloured houses, dotted with            The  carvings on the columns read like the
         bright blue tiles is one of the country’s          pages of a history  – with calligraphy and
         most important UNESCO World Heritage               floral patterns depicting the many tales of
         Sites. The architecture, in colours of clay        this city.
         makes this town resemble a real life sand           A turquoise-tiled mesmerizing minaret
         castle city — something truly unique and           embellished with teal and golden tiles
         hard to find anywhere else in the world.           shimmering in a red glow at sunset,
         Khiva was an important trade hub of the            Kalta Minor Minaret  built in 1851 by
         Silk Road, the setting for glorious and            Mohammed Amin Khan, who  dreamed
         marvellous stories that also talk about the        that  it would be the tallest minaret at 80

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