Page 27 - Seniorstoday Nov 2024 Issue
P. 27

Mind Matters

         Your Thoughts


         Your Direction!

         How you see yourself, is how you approach life advises Dr Monika Dass

         Your thoughts determine your direction.             He started a company called Standard Oil,
         It is impossible to act in a way that is           which after an antitrust suit, was broken
         inconsistent with the way you see yourself.        into 34 companies, two of which include
         How you see yourself, is how you approach          small companies like Exxon Mobile and
         life. If you believe you cannot get ahead,         Chevron. He was a 90% shareholder in
         then the chances are you never will,               those companies. Hence, J D Rockefeller,
         however if you believe you can get ahead,          of course, multi, multi billionaire, was
         the chances are you probably will.                 so wealthy he would lend money to the
          “J D Rockefeller is an interesting                federal government when they got in
         personality. Some people call him a                trouble. This is true!
         wonderful business titan, other people call         His childhood was a strange one. He had
         him a robber baron. You cannot deny the            a father who was con man. His mother
         fact that he achieved quite a bit with his         brought him up on her own. She taught
         life, and he has, in fact, from a financial        him a moral life and he really was a moral
         standpoint, achieved more than any other           man. He said, ‘I never took a sip of alcohol,
         person in history. All things considered,          or tobacco, and I always treated my staff
         he is probably the wealthiest person who           with compassion.
         has ever lived, certainly the wealthiest in         One of the interesting things about J D
         modern times.                                      Rockefeller is how generous he was, even

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