Page 32 - SeniorsToday October
P. 32


         9 Nights of Extravaganza

                                                                                       All photos by Malti Gaekwad

          Last December the biggest news going around was; “Gujarat Garba Enters
         UNESCO’S List of Intangible Cultural Heritage”, writes Malti Gaekwad

         GARBA - The dance form celebrates                   Devi Durga is celebrated with great
         fertility, honours womanhood and pays              enthusiasm in different parts of the
         respect to all nine forms of the mother            country in her nine forms known as
         Goddess. The word Garba originated from            Navdurga.
         the Sanskrit word garbh meaning ‘womb’              The nine nights are dedicated to:
         – implying gestation or pregnancy. Garba           SHAILPUTRI – The daughter of
         traditionally is a perforated earthen pot          mountain, She sits on a Nandi
         called garbi, which is illuminated from            BHRAMCHARINI – Mother of devotion
         inside with a diya. This pot is placed in          and penance, in a saintly form
         the centre and women dance around it.              CHANDRAGHANTA – Destroyer of
         Scholars say that the fire is a symbol             demons, She sits on a tiger
         of fertility. It is lit as a tribute to the        KHUSHMANDA – She is the goddess of
         female power of Shakti. It is also called          cosmic energy
         garbhadeep and represents the foetus               SKANDMATA – The goddess of
         in the womb. The dancers thus honour               motherhood and children, She sits on a lion
         Durga – the feminine form of the divinity.         KATYAYAINI – Taking the form of a
         The circular motion of the dance is said to        warrior, She is the goddess of power
         symbolize life.                                    KAALRATRI – The goddess of

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