Page 29 - Seniorstoday September 2022 Issue
P. 29
Benefits RS seems to significantly modify the lipid
Energy profile, reducing both cholesterol as well
Starch is the most common source of as triglycerides. It reduces cholesterol
energy. The body metabolizes starch absorption, thereby protecting the body
into glucose, which then gets distributed from hyperlipidemia, chronic heart
through the body to all the organs and diseases.
tissues. Any excess glucose is stored as Cancer prevention
glycogen. A diet high in resistant starch could help
Fullness prevent cancers of the GIT, like colon
Research has shown that people having cancer.
foods rich in resistant starch experience a Kidney function
sense of fullness, faster and for longer than The fermentation process required to
individuals who don’t. utilize the RS, makes use of nitrogen. In a
Increases gut health normal scenario, this would be one of the
Resistant starch, being less digestible in the kidney functions; however, a damaged
gut, stays there longer; the fermentation it kidney cannot dispose of all the nitrogen.
undergoes acts like a probiotic for health Getting utilized during the fermentation
promoting bacteria in the gut. It leads to reduces the load on kidneys.
growth of diverse types of healthy bacteria Reduces inflammation
in the intestines, aiding digestion. Studies show that consuming RS on a daily
Improved insulin sensitivity basis can help reducing intestinal and
Consuming foods rich in resistant starch vascular inflammation.
increases the body insulin sensitivity, i.e., Bowel movement
your body’s ability to respond to insulin. Like fiber, RS helps in adding bulk
lowering your risk of suffering from to stools, helping to regularize bowel
chronic systemic illnesses like diabetes movement and prevent constipation.
and obesity. It also makes the body utilize For people with special needs:
glucose more efficiently, regulating the RS is very useful in the preparation of
blood sugar levels and preventing sudden texture modified food, to meet the special
sugar related emergencies. needs of certain individuals, as under:
Activates gut hormones People with dysphagia, as RS does not
It naturally activates the gut hormones, give food the fibrous texture which makes
helping in controlling the appetite, it difficult to swallow.
regulating insulin sensitivity and weigh People with glucose intolerance, as RS
loss. ingredients make use of starch from corn
Weight loss etc.
With similar characteristics and behavior Any harmful effects
to fiber, this starch takes time to digest, Diabetes: As good as it is for the body,
using more energy than other foods, starch ultimately does get converted to
causing weight control or weight loss. glucose and stored as glycogen. If you’re a
The feeling of satiety it causes, may also diabetic, you need to monitor your intake,
contribute to weight loss. so that your sugar levels are maintained.
Reduces cholesterol Gas and bloating: Foods high in RS