Page 24 - Seniorstoday September 2022 Issue
P. 24
running an independent home. It used to be of nuisance value to their children. There
physically exhausting. Besides we feel more are also cases of old people who don’t have
secure here.” the energy or mindset to look after their
They are also happy with the interesting grandchildren with office going parents.
activities that take place in the facility to Obviously, the old values are changing where
keep the residents engaged and the regular people, both young and old, are becoming
weekly health checkups they get. They had no more self-centered.
complaints about the food. They had a small Though some children do not want their
pantry where they could cook simple meals parents to live in a Senior Citizen`s Home
on certain auspicious days when they didn`t because of the social stigma attached to it,
want to visit the common canteen. many old people who can afford convince
My two-day stay at a brand new facility their children and move out to lead an
started just a few months ago, where I independent life. They are content if their
was a guest of a schoolmate of mine, was children are in touch with them regularly
memorable. Though he owns a flat in New on the phone or visit them in their homes
Delhi in the apartment complex where his whenever they find time. If they have energy
daughter lives, my friend chose this facility to travel, they attend family functions where
so that his wife could indulge herself in her they can touch base with relatives and friends.
favourite hobby of gardening without the At 80, God has blessed me with a support
responsibility of running a home. Since it was system where I have my two siblings, who
a new facility, there were not many occupants are themselves senior citizens and my son`s
and many of the promised activities were yet family staying in the same independent
to start. The stay, however, gave me an idea of housing complex. After my wife passed
what it feels to be a resident of a senior citizen away nine years ago, I continue to lead an
facility. The experience was positive. independent life in my portion of the house.
However, I am keeping the option of moving
to a Senior Citizen Home whenever I feel that
I need constant help and attention and am
beginning to be a burden on my children.
Observations & tips
Having visited many such homes and seen
the good times that many of the residents
In my talks with several residents of Senior are having, I would say it is an option worth
Citizen Homes in many other cities over the considering by people who have reached
years I have found some of them preferred the end of their useful lives and who are
to move into a Senior Citizen Home, though financially independent; to spend their
their children were living in the same city, twilight years in peace and contentment.
because they did not want to burden their It is no more a stigma on the children if
children looking after them on a day-to-day their parents voluntarily choose to stay in
basis. With the joint family system breaking senior citizen homes which provide them
down and nuclear families being the norm the necessary independence, comfort and
these days, old people find themselves to be the company of new friends with similar