Page 7 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 7

Her shows                                          were in suits and gowns and my son had
                                                            instructed that I should speak in English.
                                                            So I went up and said, “I do not know
                                                            English, but I will try my best.” After
                                                            that I think they understood what I said
                                                            in English,” she laughs an d adds. “If the
                                                            French wanted to hear a song again they
                                                            would clap in a 2+ 3 tone which meant
                                                            I had to do an encore. If they clapped
                                                            normally it meant that the song was over
        With Sudesh Bhosle                                  and the thak thak – thakk thakk thakk
          Asha however takes pride in speaking              happened many times and Anand kept
         about Sudesh Bhosle who has often helped           indicating I had to sing again and again!
         her out in extreme circumstances. Once             They perhaps didn’t understand a word
         we were performing a show in a village             I sang, but they understood my sur,” she
         near Kolkata and the male singers fell ill. I      reminisces.
         called Sudesh Bhosle and his wife picked            What she remembers the most is her
         the phone and I told her to tell him to come       show in San Francisco. “I have come
         immediately to the village as the show             across many Indians who have sung my
         was slated to happen that night. He flew in        songs along with me at my shows, but
         without asking a single question on why            out there in San Francisco, there was a
         I was calling him and what he would get.           huge contingent of Maharashtrians.  My
         Similarly once I was down with swine flu           daughter Varsha had sent a message to
         and I just could not sing on stage during          her friends about my show and there were
         a Pune concert. He came next to me on              loads of Maharashtrians who came in and
         stage and sang all my songs including Dil          started whistling. They only stopped when
         Cheez kya hai. He could hold people with           I tried to whistle back. I heard that a lot of
         his style. I remember him telling people in        these Marathi kids who are into computers
         the balconies –“ooparwaalon, taali bajao”.         went to San Jose to work and they were all
         I told my son Nandu (Anand) that she               there,” she chuckles.
         should call him for all our shows and he
         has been a part of every show I have done,”        Sibling revelry
         she says.
          Asha says that Indians across the globe
         have been her strength. “I was a bit
         nervous once when I was performing with
         the Krnos Quartet in London. I was not
         sure how the Britishers would react to my
         singing, but then I heard voices that asked
         me to speak in Hindi and Marathi as well
         and that was such a welcome relief,” she
         says.                                               The conversation veers to the so-called
          Then came a trip to Paris. “Oh, all of them       rivalry and competition between the two

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #51 | SEPTEMBER 2023                                                          7
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