Page 8 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 8
sisters. “You know once, Didi said in of anyone’s life. “If someone looks good,
an interview that she cannot sing some and can act well, he or she should pursue
songs that I do. Even RD Burman gave her it. If someone feels that education is good
some very sweet and romantic songs and for them and they are good at studies they
I would get to voice all his experiments should follow it. But then whatever the
from Piya tu ab to aaja, Oh meri jaan field, one needs to really work hard and
maine kaha, Aaja aaja, or Oh mere sona. persevere. I wake up early in the morning
So we have been different singers. If I even and take a bath, so I make my own tea. I
copied her it would have been harakiri don’t wait for the maid to do it. Similarly
because despite being different there were I have seen my father and his disciples
comparisons,” she says. and did also sing since childhood. I never
Continuing in the same vein, she says thought I would be a playback singer when
that the rivalry story was also a piece of I grow up. But I used to do my riyaaz and
someone’s imagination. “There have been sing. Even today, if I wake up at 5, I sing
troublemakers who have spread such at 5 or I surely sing from 7 to 9 am. If I am
stories. A family will always remain one unable to sleep at 2 am at times, I sing then
but there were people from the music and too. A lot of senior citizens who are my age
movie industry who were close to her, still do that and that is why they are fit,”
would try not to even interact with me as if she tells the story of her success.
they wanted to prove that they were in her Asha says that she has the gift of Goddess
camp and we would come back home and Saraswati. “That also means that one
chat about it and laugh,” smiles Asha. should know how to use their tongue. If
Proof of the fact that there was no real you know how to speak with everyone – be
rivalry also emanates from the statistics. it your family, your team, your co-workers,
The sisters sang as many as 80 songs your music directors, you will rule. I have
together. “So the challenge here was for me used my tongue well and that is one reason
as to how I can sound different from her why I have ruled your hearts,” she adds
and give my lines a twist after anticipating with a smile.
what she would sing. So, yes, here was
something that I would term as healthy Asha’s idiosyncrasies and energy levels
competition,” explains the songstress.
Having said that Asha explains that
she came into the singing world after her
elder sister who has been a legend. “Why
would someone want two Taj Mahals? So
I needed to be different. Didi was not my
competition. She never sang the songs
that were offered to me. But there were Asha’s – This one in Dubai
others like Geeta Dutt who pitched in to do Asha turns a nurse at times taking care
similar songs,” says Asha about her era. of someone who is unwell at home and a
chef at times cooking for her guests– yes
Nifty at ninety – she has her own set of restaurants in the
Asha says that hard work is the essence UK and Dubai. “I love doing everything. I