Page 3 - Seniors Today -Volume no1
P. 3
From The Publisher
Collective Purpose, Collective Voice &
Collective Power of the 60+
Now that we are living longer community through the use of technology, peo-
lives, senior citizens make up ple-oriented services and innovative methods.
an increasing percentage of the •To value the rights, needs and living quality of
population. One in every 10 the elderly and to enrich their lives.
Indians is a senior citizen, and
this percentage is increasing, •To empower them to lead meaningful and con-
bringing its own challenges. nected lives promoting independence, creating a
Seniors can often feel lonely or confused because sense of belonging along with a sense of purpose
of health problems, or being separated from in life.
family. •To rid the minds of senior citizens of the fear
Seniors Today will be a leading provider of that age means decline and retirement means
trustworthy health information, empowering redundancy, loneliness, isolation, loss of prestige
readers with practical strategies to improve and so on.
their physical, mental and emotional well-being. •To achieve fundamental changes in the lives of
Our content is written in friendly, jargon-free seniors by empowering them to live full lives
language that provides real-life contexts around as actively engaged citizens and to secure their
complex information, helping readers take rights to comprehensive high-quality services
important decisions about their health and also according to their changing needs.
making new friends. We hope to find a new way •To address the growing problem of social isola-
of thinking about seniors. We know people can tion among the elderly.
be creative and vital, no matter what their age.
Comprising first-class editorial, beautiful •To address the issue of financial and social
INDIA’S LARGEST SHOPPING DESTINATION FOR SENIORS photography and award-winning design, our security in the silver and golden years. Senior
pages are filled with distinctive content that is citizens do not receive any pension from the gov-
intelligent, timely and pertinent. Each edition ernment, although an accepted principle is that a
of Seniors Today will contain feature-length person who pays taxes should on retirement get
articles and columns on topics such as travel, a certain portion back as pension. Senior citizens
entertainment, shopping, dining, health and in India do not get social security and are depen-
wellness, and much more. We will continue to dent on their children in their final years, and
expand, providing our readers with information that is a very unfortunate situation.
that matters to them. What you are viewing is Our organisation is dedicated to maintaining the
our launch issue. In the coming months, we will independence and dignity of seniors.
have a lot more content, and information you •Providing a range of programmes and services
could use.
Mobility Aids Easy Living Medical Aids to meet their recreational and social needs.
Since it’s our launch issue, here’s a short •Striving to be a diverse and inclusive organisa-
‘Mission Statement’ that will help you tion reflecting the many phases and walks of life
understand what we are trying to achieve:
that make up our country.
Seniors Today will attempt
•Together we will genuinely strive to demon-
•To be Collective Purpose, Collective Voice and strate the principles of diversity and inclusion
Collective Power of the 60+ population to change that enrich our communities.
the market based on their needs.
•To foster independence, reinforce their commu- Best wishes,
nity involvement and ensure their dignity.
•To enable the elderly to live a quality life of
Gifting Ideas Household Products Orthopaedic Products their own choice, to enhance living quality in the Vickram Sethi
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 1
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