Page 7 - Seniors Today -Volume no1
P. 7


        Fast Forward

        The UAE’s only Gurudwara shows the way to integration
        and harmony, by hosting iftar on each day of Ramadan
        this year
                                                                               Bonding with the Community
        A sip of water, a date. That’s how iftar, the         people from all walks of life visited the Gurud-
        traditional breaking of the fast during the holy      wara for iftar. After all, the Gurudwara is not
        month of Ramzan (Ramadan), is heralded. In            only a place of worship for the Sikhs, but also a
        Dubai this year, that simple act was taken to an      community centre where people from all reli-
        even more sublime level by the Guru Nanak             gions, communities and castes are welcome, any
        Darbar Gurudwara, the only Gurudwara in               day.
        the UAE.                                              Moreover, during Ramadan the Gurudwara

        Gurudwaras, the places of worship for the             becomes a place of tolerance wherein Muslims
        Sikh community, are well known for hosting            and non-Muslims are able to practice their faith
        langars, or community meals, where anyone is          – in this way, it embraces the value of tolerance
        welcome to eat. The Gurudwara in Dubai has            by sharing a meal not only with people from the
        been holding iftar every year in the month of         Sikh congregation but with people from differ-
        Ramadan, since the last six years, but this year      ent faiths as well, says Mr Kandhari.
        took it up a notch, by holding iftar                            “We are indeed most fortunate that
        on all the days of Ramadan. Some                                we are in the UAE that not only val-
        5000 people from all faiths, mainly                             ues harmonious coexistence but also
        Muslim, attend the iftar regularly                              upholds these values to be sustained
        over the period of Ramadan.                                     and echoed to the rest of the world.
        This year, 2019, being the “Year                                Guru Nanak Darbar Gurudwara will
        of Tolerance”, Gurudwara Guru                                   be spreading Guru Nanak’s message
        Nanak Darbar Dubai decided to                                   of universal brotherhood, peace and
        host Iftar every single day during       Surender Singh Kandhari  service to humanity through such ini-
        the holy month of Ramadan. The year 2019              tiatives every year.”
        also marks the 550th birth anniversary of             With food served at the langar being vegetar-
        Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism             ian, was there any issue about this, consid-
        and the first of the ten Sikh Gurus. Among            ering that part of the traditional iftar spread
        his many teachings are humility and respect           includes meat? Mr Kandhari, who is the UAE’s
        to all of humanity. Sitting and eating together       Inter-Faith Ambassador, emphasises that the
        - regardless of social status or religious belief     iftar served by them was an “Inter-faith Iftar”,
        - is a tradition that emphasises equality and         a perfect melange for the UAE’s melting pot of
        acceptance, says chairman of the Gurudwara,           religions – and hence, it did not matter whether
        Surender Singh Kandhari.                              it was a vegetarian meal or a non-vegetarian one.
                                                              The food is prepared according to the highest
        For the Muslim workers in the Jebel area,
        where the Gurudwara is situated, there are not        industry standards, and hygiene levels are main-
        a lot of places where they can break their fast,      tained and checked periodically. Ingredients
        so the Gurudwara had announced that this              are donated by members of the community, and
        year it would offer iftar meals to workers every      when there are leftovers, volunteers make ar-
        day during Ramadan.                                   rangements to distribute them among workers
                                                              living in the city. Truly, a community bonding
        However, the gesture was so well received that

                                                                                   SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 1
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