Page 14 - Seniors Today -April20
P. 14

Focus | Covid - 19


         gurus and

         other gyaaan

         Covid-19 is worrying because of its
         unknown aspects. But that does not
         mean you turn to dubious “sources”
         for information, writes Dr Noor Gill

         We had a 58-year-old lady, looking as fit          tumour quicker than you can pronounce
         as a fiddle, walk into our OPD in the ENT          astrocytoma. Don’t you dare Google what
         department with her daughter-in-law                that is – you don’t have it!!
         walking by her side. They came and sat as
         instructed, and so began the montage. She          Inviting trouble
         received a WhatsApp forward from a dear            When you go to WebMD for a solution
         friend of hers who believes in some ‘guru ji’      instead of somebody who actually has an
         and he said, in fact guaranteed, that if they      MD as a qualification, a testament to his
         blocked their ears with a clove of garlic,         authenticity and hard work for a rather
         it will protect them from contracting the          substantial fix in the form of a prescription,
         coronavirus. Needless to say, she thought          you’re inviting more predicament and
         it was a great idea and that WhatsApp was          inconvenience than explanation and
         a reliable source of medical advice about a        solutions.
         disease even the medical professionals know         With the ongoing pandemic, everyone
         little about.                                      confined to their homes and the door shut
          With the internet full of data and                closed and the doctors fighting for PPE, the
         knowledge about anything and everything            only source you think you have to turn to
         under the sun, in fact even about the sun          is the world wide web – and it throws your
         itself, acting as the ‘jack of all trades but the   way symptoms as vague as cough, nasal
         master of none’, it has the masters feeling        discharge, fever and death. All of which
         like fools.                                        could be because of a flu, or your summer
         Now when we have a headache, we don’t go           allergies kicking in, or something to do with
         see a doctor who has a degree; instead we          the fact that you’ve been watching Kuch
         look for an internet connection and a reason       Kuch Hota Hai with all this time on your
         to worry. The pain in our temples accelerates      hands.
         from a simple tension headache to a brain          In medical school, by the time we reach our

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